mosquée de djenné plan

mosquée de djenné plan

In den Mauern eingebrachte Palmyrapalmen-Stämme (siehe Abbildung) sollen helfen, Risse in der Wand durch die häufigen, sehr großen Schwankungen von Luftfeuchtigkeit und Temperatur zu vermeiden. The central tower is around 16 meters in height. The original mosque presided over one of the most important Islamic learning centers in Africa during the Middle Ages, with thousands of students coming to study the Quran in Djenné's madrassas. [25][26] It is evident from published photographs that two additional rows of toron were added to the walls in the early 1990s.[27]. The first mosque on the site was built around the 13th century, but the current structure dates from 1907. ", "When Sultan Kunburu died – may God Most High have mercy on him – he was succeeded by the sultan who built the towers (, "The Great Mosque at Djenné: Its impact as a model", Archnet Digital Library: Djenné Great Mosque Restoration, Adobe Mosques of Mali by Sebastian Schutyser,é&oldid=986986908, Religious organizations established in the 13th century, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 4 November 2020, at 04:25. During the day, the walls absorb the heat of the day that is released throughout the night, helping the interior of the mosque remain cool all day long. [16] The Mosque is seen in the 2005 film Sahara. The larger tomb to the south contains the remains of Almany Ismaïla, an important imam of the 18th century. In einem jährlichen Fest, dem meist im April stattfindenden "crepissage",[10] reparieren die Einwohner von Djenné gemeinschaftlich die Schäden, die die Regenperiode der Moschee zugefügt hat. Der Verfall wurde durch die Lehmbauweise, welche einer ständigen Überprüfung und Pflege bedarf, beschleunigt. [1] The earliest document mentioning the mosque is Abd al-Sadi's Tarikh al-Sudan which gives the early history, presumably from the oral tradition as it existed in the mid-seventeenth century. Anschließend stellte er seinen Palast den Gläubigen zur Verfügung und ließ ihn zur ersten Großen Moschee von Djenné umbauen. Die Moschee ist der Mittelpunkt der Stadt Djenné, im Binnendelta des Niger. Die Palmstämme ragen aus der Mauer heraus und dienen als Gerüst für Reparaturen. [24], Though it benefits from regular maintenance, since the facade's construction in 1907 only small changes have been made to the design. Members of Djenné's masons guild direct the work, while elderly members of the community, who have already participated in the festival many times, sit in a place of honor in the market square watching the proceedings. In den Tagen vor dem Fest wird der für die Reparatur benötigte Lehmverputz in Gruben vorbereitet. The imitation, the Mosquée Missiri [fr], was built in cement and painted in red ochre to resemble the colour of the original. The 3D documentation of the Djenné Mosque was carried out in 2005 using terrestrial laser-scanning. Die Große Moschee von Djenné ist das größte sakrale Lehmgebäude und gilt als ein Höhepunkt der sudanesisch-sahelischen Architektur in Mali. Die Gebetswand (qibla) der Großen Moschee ist ostwärts gegen Mekka ausgerichtet. "[11], French ethnologist Michel Leiris, in his account of travelling through Mali in 1931, states that the new mosque is indeed the work of Europeans. The crowd ransacked the Cultural Mission, the mayor's home, destroyed the car belonging to the imam's younger brother and damaged three cars belonging to the Imam himself. [3], There is no other written information on the Great Mosque until the French explorer René Caillié visited Djenné in 1828 years after it had been allowed to fall into ruin, and wrote "In Jenné is a mosque built of earth, surmounted by two massive but not high towers; it is rudely constructed, though very large. The corners are formed by rectangular shaped buttresses decorated with toron and topped by pinnacles. Die Wände der Großen Moschee bestehen aus sonnengetrockneten, ferey genannten Lehmziegeln, aus einem Mörtel auf Lehm-Basis und einem Lehmputz, dem das Gebäude seine regelmäßige Oberfläche verdankt. He also says that local people were so unhappy with the new building that they refused to clean it, only doing so when threatened with prison. French forces led by Louis Archinard captured Djenné in April 1893. Lokaler Name Grande Mosquée de Djenné Lage Mopti Region, Mali Tags Sunnitisch • Muslimisch • Anbetungsstätte • Moschee • UNESCO • Erbe Download Download Mehr erfahren Mosquée Missiri, Fréjus.… @ Greudin Mehr Informationen und Kontakt. Mehr als 2000 Menschen haben darin Platz. This would have been the building that Caillié saw. The floor is composed of sandy earth. [8] In his 1897 book, Tombouctou la Mystérieuse (Timbuktu the mysterious), Dubois provides a plan and a drawing as to how he imagined the mosque looked before being abandoned. Along with the "Old Towns of Djenné" it was designated a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1988. Ziemlich genau die Hälfte der Fläche nimmt das Betraumgebäude ein. The small, irregularly-positioned windows on the north and south walls allow little natural light to reach the interior of the hall. The new mosque was a large, low building lacking any towers or ornamentation. The men quickly disappeared to avoid being lynched. [12], Jean-Louis Bourgeois however, recorded that the rebuilt mosque was constructed by Djenné's traditional local guild of masons, traditionally responsible for the building and maintenance of the town's original mosque and of Djenné's other buildings, using traditional techniques and with minimal French involvement. Electrical wiring and indoor plumbing have been added to many mosques in Mali. Die zweite, offene Gebetshalle liegt im Hof hinter dem überdachten Moscheeteil. The mosque features on the coat of arms of Mali. In some cases, the original surfaces of a mosque have even been tiled over, destroying its historical appearance and in some cases compromising the building's structural integrity. [22] This design creates a forest of ninety massive rectangular pillars that span the interior prayer hall and severely reduce the field of view. Bei Musik und gutem Essen bessern sie die Risse in den Mauerteilen aus, die durch die Schwankungen der Luftfeuchtigkeit und der Temperatur entstanden sind. Die Frauen und Mädchen tragen das Wasser zu den Gruben und versorgen die Männer damit, die auf den Gerüsten arbeiten. Sie wurde für die heutige Moschee jedoch wieder abgerissen, die sich in Größe und Aussehen an der ersten orientiert. "[4], Ten years before René Caillié's visit, the Fulani leader Seku Amadu had launched his jihad and conquered the town. Seine beiden Nachfolger sollen noch die Türme und die Mauer hinzugefügt haben, so dass heute als Gründungsdatum das Jahr 1240 genannt wird. Ceramic half-pipes also extend from the roofline and direct rain water from the roof away from the walls. The imam conducts the prayers from the mihrab in the larger central tower. Head of the Mason's Guild in Djenné, Mali at the beginning of the 20th century and credited with the design of the Great Mosque. He thought that the cones made the building resemble a baroque temple dedicated to the god of suppositories. The towers in the qibla wall do not contain stairs linking the prayer hall with the roof. [13], The terrace in front of the eastern wall includes two tombs. The entire community of Djenné takes an active role in the mosque's maintenance via a unique annual festival. In the mosque the mob ripped out the ventilation fans that had been presented by the US Embassy at the time of the Iraq War and then went on a rampage through the town. Seku Amadu appears to have disapproved of the existing mosque and allowed it to fall into disrepair. In einigen Fällen wurden dazu die Oberflächen der Moscheen verkachelt. Ihr Status als Wahrzeichen zeigt sich auch in dem stilistischen Einfluss auf die Moschee von Mopti (1933), einer verkleinerten Nachahmung in Frankreich (1930), oder dem Museum für Afrikanische Kunst (2005) in Südkorea. It is accessed by six sets of stairs, each decorated with pinnacles. The Great Mosque's signature trio of minarets overlooks the central market of Djenné. Der Bau der ersten Moschee von Djenné lässt sich auf die Zeit zwischen 1180 und 1330 eingrenzen. It requires several days to cure but needs to be periodically stirred, a task usually falling to young boys who play in the mixture, thus stirring up the contents. [6] A race is held at the beginning of the festival to see who will be the first to deliver the plaster to the mosque. of rain had fallen in a 24-hour period. Wasserschäden, vor allem Überflutungen, waren die größte Sorge des Baumeisters Traoré, als er die Moschee erbaute. Some structures, for example, Djenné's Great Mosque, also have roof vents with ceramic caps. Please use another browser for the best experience with our site. "Djenné : Une tour de la Mosquée s'effondre" 10/11/2009, Restoration works continue despite violent storms at the Great Mosque of Djenné, Photo of the Great Mosque with a tower collapsed by Takeo Kamiya,ße_Moschee_von_Djenné&oldid=203105321, Wikipedia:Defekte Weblinks/Ungeprüfte Archivlinks 2019-04, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“. Grande Mosquée de Djenné. Der Hof misst 864 Quadratmeter, unter Einrechnung seiner Galerienanlage, 1144 Quadratmeter. Die Qibla wird durch drei große Minarette und achtzehn kleine Kuppeln überragt. While there are many mosques that are older than its current incarnation, the Great Mosque remains the most prominent symbol of both the city of Djenné and the nation of Mali. The outer walls of the Great Mosque are not precisely orthogonal to one another so that the plan of the building has a noticeable trapezoidal outline. The mud-covered, rodier-palm roof is supported by nine interior walls running north–south which are pierced by pointed arches that reach up almost to the roof. he had his palace pulled down and the site turned into a mosque dedicated to God Most High. To combine AND/OR Logic, conduct your search using Group search. By extracting people and surrounding buildings from the frame the eye is drawn to the materials and forms, which adhere to what is a unique design program particularly suited to the region, but that still serves typical mosque functions of worship and gathering. Je nach Mauerhöhe sind die Wände zwischen 41 und 61 cm dick. Die Große Moschee von Djenné war im Mittelalter eines der wichtigsten islamischen Zentren. Wenn sich die Hitze in der Gebetshalle staut, werden die mit Keramikziegeln abgedeckten Lüftungsschlitze (mehr als 100) im Dach geöffnet. Women and girls carry water to the pits before the festival and to the workmen on the mosque during it. The rebuilding was completed in 1907 using forced labour under the direction of Ismaila Traoré, head of Djenné's guild of masons. Die "Große Moschee von Djenné" wurde zwar mit einem Lautsprecher-System ausgestattet, die Bürger von Djenné widersetzten sich jedoch erfolgreich der äußeren Modernisierung des Gebäudes. [3][4][5], Anfang November 2009 stürzte der südliche Turm der Ostfassade ein, nachdem es innerhalb von 24 Stunden 75 mm geregnet hatte. Sie ist im Norden, Süden, Westen von Wänden umgeben, den östlichen Teil schließt der überdachte Moscheeteil ab. Instead there are two square towers housing stairs leading to the roof. The western gallery is reserved for use by women. Der Imam der Moschee Es-Sa'di schrieb 1620, dass im Jahr 1180 der Sultan Koi Kunboro vor 4200 Ulama öffentlich zum Islam übertrat. Die Moschee zählt zu den berühmtesten Bauwerken Afrikas und wurde von der UNESCO im Jahr 1988 gemeinsam mit der Altstadt Djennés und einigen umliegenden Ausgrabungsstätten zum Weltkulturerbe erklärt.[1]. [1], Dubois revisited Djenné in 1910 and was shocked by the new building. A narrow opening in the ceiling of the central mihrab connects with a small room situated above roof level in the tower. He believed that the French colonial administration were responsible for the design and wrote that it looked like a cross between a hedgehog and a church organ. [20] The cone shaped spires or pinnacles at the top of each minaret are topped with ostrich eggs. It was intended to serve as a mosque for the Tirailleurs sénégalais, the West African colonial troops in the French Army who were posted to the region during the winter. Die Freitagsmoschee von Djenné ist im Stile des Frühislams eine Hof-Moschee mit Galerie. The historic areas of Djenné, including the Great Mosque, were designated a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1988. The toron also serve as readymade scaffolding for the annual repairs. Many historical preservationists have praised the community's preservation effort, and interest in this aspect of the building grew in the 1990s. In 1930, an inexact replica of the Djenné Mosque was built in the town of Fréjus in southern France. When adding more than one criteria, choose AND/OR logic to apply, Pick the search criteria, choose the logic to apply, and enter a search value in the empty box, When using both AND/OR, user groups to indicate which logic applies to which terms, This site is adjusted only for landscape mode. In jedem Minarett führt eine spiralförmige Treppe zum Dach, auf dem eine konisch geformte Spitze sitzt, die mit einem Straußenei abschließt. The walls of the galleries facing the courtyard are punctuated by arched openings. One man died during the disturbances. [21] The eastern wall is about a meter (3 ft) in thickness and is strengthened on the exterior by eighteen pilaster like buttresses, each of which is topped by a pinnacle. Zum Ausgleich der Unebenheiten der Bodenbeschaffenheit steht die Moschee auf einem Podium mit einer Höhe von 1,5 bis 2 Metern.[9]. Traoré ließ deshalb die Moschee auf einer Anhebung von 5.625 Quadratmetern errichten. In the days leading up to the festival, the plaster is prepared in pits. Dort klettern sie auf das Gerüst aus den Palmenstämmen, das in die Wände eingelassen ist, und verschmieren den Verputz auf die Oberfläche der Moschee. In 1996, Vogue magazine held a fashion shoot inside the mosque. What was almost certainly novel in the rebuilt mosque was the symmetric arrangement of three large towers in the qibla wall. [14] Early in the French colonial period, a pond located on the eastern side of the mosque was filled with earth to create the open area that is now used for the weekly market.[15]. Please rotate your device for properly using Seit 1996 auf dem Dach und im Gebetsraum Modeaufnahmen für die französische Ausgabe des amerikanischen Magazin Vogue gemacht wurden, dürfen Nichtmuslime die Moschee nun nicht mehr betreten. [2], Viele Moscheen in Mali erhielten mittlerweile eine elektrische Verkabelung und sanitäre Einrichtungen. August 2020 um 21:04 Uhr bearbeitet. Der Eroberer betrachtete die Moschee, da aus einem Palast entstanden, als zu üppig und luxuriös. Rather than a single central niche, the mirhab tower originally had a pair of large recesses echoing the form of the entrance arches in the north wall. [9], In 1906, the French administration in the town arranged for the original mosque to be rebuilt and at the same time for a school to be constructed on the site of Seku Amadu's mosque. Sebastian Schutyser's photographs capture and perhaps exaggerate the otherworldly quality of Mail's mosques. Mitglieder der Maurerzunft leiten die Arbeiten. Die Lehmwände isolieren das Gebäude gegen die Tageshitze, heizen sich tagsüber jedoch so auf, dass sie es während der Nacht warm halten. Die Große Moschee von Djenné ist das größte sakrale Lehmgebäude und gilt als ein Höhepunkt der sudanesisch-sahelischen Architektur in Mali. From photographs taken at the time,[1] it appears the position of at least some of the outer walls follows those of the original mosque but it is unclear as to whether the columns supporting the roof kept to the previous arrangement. Men climb onto the mosque's built-in scaffolding and ladders made of palm wood and smear the plaster over the face of the mosque. In the map savannah citadel in the 2008 game sonic unleashed, the architecture resembles the great mosque. Dorothee Gruner, Die Lehmmoschee am Niger, Dokumentation eines traditionellen Bautyps, Franz Steiner Verlag Stuttgart, 1990. le marché et la mosquée de djenné - Buy this stock photo and explore similar images at Adobe Stock [30], On Thursday 5 November 2009, the upper section of the southern large tower of the qibla wall collapsed after 75 mm (3 in.) He built another palace for himself near the mosque on the east side. [6][7] Die Gesamtanlage umfasst ein Areal von 3200 Quadratmetern. Oktober 2002, Seite 6. Small vents in the roof are topped with removable inverted kiln-fired bowls, which when removed allow hot air to rise out of the building and so ventilate the interior. There has been debate as to what extent the design of the rebuilt mosque was subject to French influence. Local name Grande Mosquée de Djenné Location Mopti Region, Mali Tags Sunni • Muslim • Place of Worship • Mosque • UNESCO • Heritage Download Download See more Mosquée Missiri, Fréjus.… @ Greudin More information and contact. The Great Mosque of Djenné is a large banco or adobe building that is considered by many architects to be one of the greatest achievements of the Sudano-Sahelian architectural style. Der Bau der derzeitigen Großen Moschee begann 1906 und war wahrscheinlich 1907 oder 1909 abgeschlossen. Über die Wände herausragende Keramikrohre sorgen dafür, dass das Regenwasser nicht die Wände herabläuft, was für einen Lehmbau fatal wäre. Der einzige Teil, der vom ursprünglichen Gebäude übrig blieb, ist die Umfassung mit den Gräbern der lokalen Führer. The main entrance is on the northern side of the building. As well as being the centre of the community of Djenné, it is one of the most famous landmarks in Africa. [11], 13.9052-4.5553Koordinaten: 13° 54′ 18,7″ N, 4° 33′ 19,1″ W. Der französische Schriftsteller Michel Leiris, der 1931 bei einer ethnologischen Expedition Djenne besuchte, berichtet: Heimfried Mittendorfer: Maskentanz im Land der Dogon, in: Extra (Wochenend-Beilage zur Wiener Zeitung), 25./26. Er muss über mehrere Tage mehrmals umgerührt werden. "When the sultan became a Muslim. This is the present congregational mosque. Vor ihr liegt der Marktplatz der Stadt. Amadu Hammadi Bubu (auch: Sékou Amadou oder Seku Amadu), der Gründer des Massina-Reichs, ließ das Bauwerk 1834 zerstören und anschließend verfallen. [23], In the prayer hall, each of the three towers in the qibla wall has a niche or mihrab. Der Wiederaufbau des Turms erfolgt im Rahmen von Restaurierungsarbeiten seit Januar 2009, die vom Aga Khan Trust for Culture finanziert werden.[8]. This includes music and food, but has the primary objective of repairing the damage inflicted on the mosque in the past year (mostly erosion caused by the annual rains and cracks caused by changes in temperature and humidity). The Tarikh states that a Sultan Kunburu became a Muslim and had his palace pulled down and the site turned into a mosque. It is abandoned to thousands of swallows, which build their nests in it. The interior courtyard to the west of the prayer hall, measuring 20 m × 46 m (66 ft × 151 ft), is surrounded on three sides by galleries. [10] By contrast, Jean-Louis Bourgeois has argued that the French had little influence except perhaps for the internal arches and that the design is "basically African. [18][19], The prayer wall or qibla of the Great Mosque faces east towards Mecca and overlooks the city marketplace. In den Wänden sind Arkaden eingelassen, die den inneren Hof umziehen. We are sorry, we are still working on adjusting for Metro IE. He built another palace for himself and his household near the mosque on the east side. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt war Djenné Teil von Französisch-Westafrika, und die Franzosen leiteten die Errichtung der Moschee und der nahe gelegenen Madrasa in die Wege und gaben politische und finanzielle Unterstützung. The local police were overwhelmed and had to call in reinforcements from Mopti. [33][34] This formed part of the Zamani Project that aims to document cultural heritage sites in 3D to create a record for future generations.[35]. Use the advanced tools below to narrow the parameters of your search. To the right of the mihrab in the central tower is a second niche, the pulpit or minbar, from which the imam preaches his Friday sermon.[14]. Die zweite Moschee wurde bis 1896 auf Basis der alten Pläne wieder errichtet, war jedoch bescheidener gebaut. This occasions a very disagreeable smell, to avoid which, the custom of saying prayers in a small outer court has become common. In welchem Umfang französische Ingenieure das Aussehen der Moschee beeinflussten, ist umstritten. [28][29] The team were inspecting the roof as part of a restoration project financed by the Aga Khan Trust for Culture. Neunzig Holzsäulen in der inneren Gebetshalle stützen das Dach der Moschee. Typing a term in the Research bar performs an anywhere search. The mosque also had many fewer toron with none on the corner buttresses. Ismaila Traoré, der Vorsitzende der Maurergilde, leitete und überwachte den Bau. Die Moschee zählt zu den berühmtesten Bauwerken Afrikas und wurde von der UNESCO im Jahr 1988 gemeinsam mit der Altstadt Djennés und einigen umliegenden Ausgrabungsstätten zum Weltkulture… Bislang blieb die Moschee auch von schweren Überschwemmungen verschont. The actual date of construction of the first mosque in Djenné is unknown, but dates as early as 1200 and as late as 1330 have been suggested. Vogue's pictures of scantily-dressed women outraged local opinion, and as a result, non-Muslims have been banned from entering the mosque ever since. The qibla is dominated by three large, box-like towers or minarets jutting out from the main wall. [5] Between 1834 and 1836, Seku Amadu built a new mosque to the east of the existing mosque on the site of the former palace. Another group of men carries the plaster from the pits to the workmen on the mosque. [17], The mosque is built on a platform measuring about 75 m × 75 m (246 ft × 246 ft) that is raised by 3 metres (9.8 feet) above the level of the marketplace. Die jährliche Flut des Bani Flusses lässt Djenné zu einer Insel werden, und auch Teile der Stadt werden überflutet. 1907/1324 AH; Restored 2008-2010/1429-1431 AH.

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