doom slayer blazkowicz

doom slayer blazkowicz

The priests brought down the temple upon the Doom Slayer, and in his defeat entombed him in the cursed sarcophagus. Helmet Multi-Tool: Multi-tool with laser sighting and headlamp. The Slayer proceeds through the Foundry, stopping a meltdown by activating the terminals and then onto the Argent Tower itself. A Titan was chosen as Hell's champion and sent to kill the Slayer, only to be killed by him. After defeating its guardians he retrieved the Crucible and is greeted by ghosts of the Sentinel Knights. He claims that even though the Slayer destroyed the filters, he can rebuild his operation with the Crucible, which he reveals to be a long blade of pure Argent Energy. 10 Doomguy Is A Descendant Of BJ Blazkowicz According to Id Software co-founders Hall and Romero, Wolfenstein protagonist William "BJ" Blazkowicz was the Doom Slayer's great grandfather. Using his newfound powers, the Marine took the Crucible, a weapon held for a true Sentinel warrior king, and using it to slay the Dreadnought and planting the blade inside the beast's heart. In the time of King Novik, as the Argenta secured peace and safety through dimensions across time and space, Doomguy is found by the Night Sentinels in a valley outside the castle walls on Sentinel Prime. In his case, it's because he had lost his sanity, as Doom Eternal's flashbacks show. The UAC refers to the Doom Slayer as DOOM Marine, or The Slayer. Doom Slayer vs Iron Man. After he saves Earth, he is captured by Hayden and put into stasis again, while the scientist prepared his next plans. The newly formed ARC is under command of Samuel Hayden. A life-size statue of Doom Slayer was made, a picture of which, where John Romero is standing next to it, shows the Doom Slayer's face. Kelvin and Jensen both die in the process. Initially the traditionalists of the Night Sentinels were very reluctant to allow the man into their ranks, as the Order forbids from having Arena-borne prisoners or foreigners. Long after everyone else on Phobos was dead (the only other survivor came to be known as Phobos (character)), he kept fighting, determined to send out a warning to Earth before the demons could claim him.[1]. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. You will live there again as before, with no memory of the suffering you have been through. This may be a reference to how the original Doom and Wolfenstein player models were very alike, also having been said by Tom Hall to be related somehow. Samur Maykr, also known as the Seraphim, would spirit him away from prying eyes in order to give him immense power (in Christian mythology, a Seraphim is the highest rank an angel can achieve). In The Ancient Gods - Part 2, he removes his helmet, revealing his face before killing the Dark Lord. The original and iconic armor. But from the depths of the abyss rose The Great One, a champion mightier than all who had come before. He fought his way through the Sanctum to the location where his Sarcophagus was located in order to use the portal equipment left from a manned UAC expedition. Doomguy returns to Mars' moon to take out the trash, journeys into Hell again and kills the Mother Demon. After defeating Kronos, the Marine closes the portal by destroying the reactors powering it. In his ravenous hatred, he found no peace, and with boiling blood he scoured the Umbral Plains seeking vengeance against the dark lords who had wronged him. There he lies still, and evermore, in silent suffering. When Hayden requests he be uploaded into the pod, it is revealed that he and the Seraphim are one and the same. He has also guest starred in the Quake games such as Quake Champions and Quake III Arena. Due to his exploits in exterminating demon hordes on Earth, most people regard him as humanity's avenging angel and savior while the UAC and Allied Nations try their best to deny his existence. Since then the Sentinels deemed the Marine as a chosen hero, and he gained his (in)famous title: the Doom Slayer. B.J. [18][19] Upon suspecting Olivia's pact with Hell and her plans for the Mars facility, Samuel intended to release the Doom Slayer in the event of the UAC losing control of its demonic experiments. Three years ago (before his transfer to Mars), he assaulted a superior officer for ordering his soldiers to fire upon civilians. The Blazkowicz mod – surely named in ... the one worn by the Doom Slayer himself. Once a space marine whose real name was lost to history, Doomguy was taken off duty and relocated to Mars for assaulting his officer in retaliation for ordering him to attack innocent civ… Expert Combatant: The Doom marine is a highly trained and experienced combatant, even when lacking ammo and weapons, he can slay demons just with his bare hands alone, without the need of any melee weapon, he can defeat and tear apart demons far bigger and stronger than him just with his own skills in hand-to-hand combat. But when the Gatekeeper, another Icon of Sin, leads another demon horde and manages to keep one gateway open, he began a full scale Earth invasion. Unlike some of his earlier appearances in the series, he shows a little more emotion, expressed more through actions rather than words. He takes the Crucible from the Slayer, stating he would use it to continue the production of Argent energy for humanity's benefit. This is of course an easter egg included in the game as well. He interrupts the awakening ceremony and plunging the Betrayer's dagger into the Icon's heart; this destroys the heart and freeing the Icon of Sin from the Maykrs' control, and causing the massive demon to destroy the dimensional barrier between Urdak and Hell, thus allowing the demons to break their pact with the Maykrs and directly invading Urdak. Doom Slayer (Power Of The Father) hasn't been added to a collection yet. No Helmet: The standard-issue space marine helmet is airtight and durable, while still allowing a wide view area. Blazkowicz y el Doom Slayer intercambian munición en 'Quake Champions' desde el año pasado.. Por su parte, tanto 'Wolfenstein' como 'DOOM' han regresado las consolas y escritorios de actual generación … They are two unrelated characters. He awakened him to stop a demonic invasion of Mars instigated by his former protégé, Dr. Olivia Pierce. In another campaign he fought the Harbinger of Doom, who vowed to destroy his descendents after being defeated by him. Blazkowicz IV is a space marine, one of Earth's toughest, hardened in combat and trained for action. Knowing the Slayer would attempt to stop this plan, Hayden teleports the Slayer away to an unknown location. Whereas as original Doom character fought in Phobos and Mars and in both original Doom and Ultimate Doom reaches earth via transporter gateways. Consumed by Urdak’s demonic corruption, the Seraphim is transformed into a demon and after a lengthy battle is ultimately defeated by the Slayer and is teleported away by the Father. Quake III Arena/Quake Arena Live/Quake Champions, Doom Eternal: The Ancient Gods Part 1 Finale. He is sent to assist members of the UAC Mars Outpost facility on Mars, who are under attack from the denizens of hell. As a new demonic threat erupts on Earth, so does the Slayer, his iconic Praetor Suit modified and upgraded for increased mobility and destructive capability. This nickname is mentioned in Doom Eternal and used in his dialogue subtitles. Finally, at the Well the Slayer fought his way to each of the Wraith bodies and uses the Crucible to absorb their energy to cut off the flow to the portal. Blazkowicz III and Stan Blazkowicz, saved Earth and the multiverse from Doomguy then travels to the demons' entry portal on Earth to close it and succeeds after killing the Icon of Sin. During the betrayal of Valen, the Doom Slayer led the remnants of the Night Sentinels that were still loyal to his cause to destroy the foundry of souls, the source of the Khan Maykr's power to turn the tide of the war against the forces of Hell and the corrupt Argenta. Doom Slayer And in his conquest against the blackened souls of the doomed, his prowess was shown. You're going to need it. Blue (Doom)Green (Eternal) In order to process and refine their tormented souls and concentrate their inherent quintessence into refined Argent Energy. The Slayer fought and killed an enraged Khan Maykr before returning to Earth to confront the Icon, but is forced to leave VEGA on Urdak in order to open a portal to Earth. The Marine soon found himself trying to prevent the demons of Hell from invading Earth. [10], The Marine participated in a pivotal battle against the Dreadnought, a monstrous Titan sent to lead a total demonic assault on the heart of Argent D'Nur. He has never had sex, nor do we have any interest in exploring that area in the future. The Doom Slayer, on the other hand, continued his endless killing spree.[14][15]. Once, Crash was Doom's military instructor. The Slayer first killed Deag Nilox before confronting Ranak and Grav, displaying their dead colleague's decapitated head before them. Despite his war with the demons he almost never attacks their human allies simply expecting them to get out of his way which they often do. He proceeds to the Lazarus Labs and fought the Cyberdemon before using the accumulator that powered the boss demon to teleport him back into Hell. High Impact Chest: Snaps into place on the chest to protect the wearer from high impacts. Although stated to be officially canonical to the Doom timeline, none of the 3 Marines in either, As the greatest of his foes the Doom Slayer has in recorded killed three Titans, the Dreadnought from. After the destruction of Icon of Sin, the Marine returns to Earth to help rebuilding it, and Hell is left in ruins. In Doom 64 story (which occurs many years later), the marine has been decommisioned, and all previous military "Doom Episodes" have been classified, and UAC deep space stations have been quarentined and closed off, and bombarded with radiation (this allows one demon to escape, that starts resurrecting the dead bodies and making them stronger). And I am not talking about the old Doom and Wolfenstein games. However, the Slayer is confronted by the Seraphim upon reaching the Luminarium’s entrance. However, after he reaches the main gateway on MAP20: Gotcha!, he learns that the only way to close it is on the other side, going to Hell again. Doomguy, appelé Doom Slayer dans Doom (2016) et Doom Eternal, est le principal protagoniste de la franchise de jeux vidéo Doom. Upon breaking out of the facility he proceeds to Resource Operations to repair a satellite dish in order to get a complete picture of the situation. According to John Romero and Tom Hall, the B.J. Only for the noble warrior creed to find out the horrible truth behind the secret of Argent Energy. The Doom Slayer, disapproving of Hayden's deadly Hell energy-siphoning operations, destroyed the Argent Energy filters he asked him to carefully remove. Soon after he is recovered by a contingent of Marines that were sent to look for survivors, and he walks out with them, again he is the only known survivor. Round 1: Fist fight. It's sister, the Resurrector takes revenge on the Marine, by sending him away back to Earth, and attempts to kill him. [13], After years of fighting in a civil war against both demons and the loyalist who sided with the Maykrs, an opportunity to end the war was supposedly discovered. Doom Eternal Visor reflection (Quad Damage), Concept art of the Doom Slayer's face from Doom Eternal, heavily inspired by the classic Doomguy, Slayer's face from Doom Eternal (if loaded in Blender software). Doomguy, appelé Doom Slayer dans Doom (2016) et Doom Eternal, est le principal protagoniste de la franchise de jeux vidéo Doom. Blazkowicz). After going through dungeon Mars Underground, and crossing over a short portion of the surface of Mars, he makes it into one of the older facilities and finds the scientist, who was attempting to send a message to earth warning about the research being conducted. Human (empowered) The Doom Marine reaches earth by drop pod only to discover it has been invaded by the monsters from the Outside. He fights his way through another UAC base, works his way back into Hell, and takes revenge on the sister. The demons of Hell first gave him the appellation "Doom Slayer" and also refer to him as the Unchained Predator, the Beast, and the Hellwalker. Samuel Hayden retrieved the Doom Slayer from Hell in case the demonic forces escaped onto Mars, which they did. Doom Slayer B.J. He has since gotten a new, much living Daisy. Blazkowicz discussing a hidden secret room containing a shotgun for the Marine to find.This could also be an ingame joke. Blazkowicz), still employed by the UAC, is transported to Mars from Earth. Once more, chose to remain in Hell to fend off the demons. The Crowned leader of the Night Sentinels loses his son on the battlefield. [26] He continued to be a great champion defending many worlds from the demons and killing them in Hell. About; History; Powers; Equipment; Movies; Gallery; Battles; Comments; Top Battles with Doom Slayer. He was told to expect heavy resistance. Ne connaît ni la fatigue, ni le pardon, et mû par une colère inextinguible. A world that embraced occult rituals for business, rather than just a company that accidently opened portals to hell. Yet another opportunity to expand the gift of the Maykrs to those in need. Both are technically soft reboots (a reboot where continuity from the previous games is retained, but not exactly as shown in previous iterations), so it is hard to tell if the events that would lead to Blazkowicz and the Doom Slayer being related still apply. Unrelenting; unforgiving; driven by a rage that cannot be contained. The background of the Slayer in Quake Champions includes lore taken from Doom (2016), Doom Classic/Doom II/Doom 64, Doom 3, and the original Quake Arena games. He lights the torch of kings, an act that is strictly forbidden by the Maykrs, telling the inhabitants of Argent D'Nur and the remaining tribes of Sentinels that he seeks a Wraith crystal to power the Gate of Divum. The Doom Marine B.J. [22] Long ago across worlds and time, in another universe, Doom Slayer (B.J. The officer and his body cast were shipped to Pearl Harbor, while B.J. Hair color Despite instructions from Hayden, the Slayer smashes the filters channeling Argent energy to stop Pierce from opening a Hell portal. With the Icon dead, along with the Hell Priests and the Khan Maykr, demons were momentarily defeated. Before the character had any epithets in the story, he was most commonly called Doomguy in the fan community. He would travel across time and worlds to save the multiverse. Insatiable, even by the vanquishing of the Great One, the Hell Walker sought prey in the tombs of the Blood Keep. However, they realized too late that the priests had betrayed them to the Khan Maykr. William J. Blazkowicz II (Billy Blaze) is the grandson of the great W.W.II hero William J. Blazkowicz(B.J. Berserker's true name is shrouded in mystery. The game's background story text implies that he is, in fact, the same person from the original games, denoting him as "the only experienced survivor of the DOOM episode" and "the only Marine to endure the slaughter.". The tomb revealed many artifacts, including the Praetor suit. Even at one point the Marine enters a pocket universe of hell that has been built by Nazis, and fights the enemies his ancestor had faced. The texts also say that the demons have been plagued by him for "eons of time", during which he would have become a legend in their world. In The Plutonia Experiment, following Doom II, its learned that the UAC finally found a way with the quantum accelerator to close all the seven gateways between Earth and Hell. The email is discovered in a secret room, addressed to B.J. You haven't seen a human in weeks, months even... Only demons. After the Dark Lord dies, all the demons outside of Hell disappear, the Doom Slayer falls unconscious due to his connection to Davoth through the Divinity Machine (which was powered with a piece of Davoth). The Titan fought with the fury of the countless that had fallen at the Doom Slayer's hand, but there fell the Titan, and in his defeat, the shadow horde was routed. Deep Space Rebreather: Automatically regulates the air mixture for high and low-pressure environments. Making his way through various facilities on Phobos defeating demons along the way, until he steps into a teleported and is transferred over to the lost moon of Deimos, now orbiting a hellish landscape. The Slayer did not care about the polity of the Sentinels and the Maykrs, as he was too focused on destroying the demons, and consequently remaining unaware of the Maykrs' insidious secrecy of harvesting Argent Energy from mortal souls at the cost of working with the demons. This Hell is sightly different from the one on the original Doom, since it has some demonic urban building - probably part of Earth inside Hell dimension. Quake III Revolution - Unused Doomguy Lines-1588737824. Many years later a satelite starts broadcasting a signal from the bases showing the growing activity, the demons discovered, now they are led by the Mother Demon. This is supported by in-game documents found in Hell states that the Doom Marine has traveled through "Worlds and Time" and was described as being extremely powerful and dangerous. Chronologically speaking this must mean that Doom 3 occurs before Doom RPG roughly, then Doom I later (Phobos is is foreshadowed in Doom RPG), then Doom II. His descendents, B.J. Wolfenstein Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. The survivors in the Arena were provided only one reward - the right to earn an honorable death while spreading the blessings of the Maykrs to those in need. The Doom Marine proceeded to rampage his way across Hell for "eons" as an unstoppable force of death and destruction, becoming an icon of fear to all demons. In Doom Eternal, a log entry by Elena Richardson states that Doomguy's blood type is AB+. The Slayer then travels to Hell to retrieve a power source for the Celestial Locator from the Betrayer, who also request the Slayer to kill his son that has become the Icon of Sin and gives him a dagger to carry out the deed. Doomguy continued to keep a torn photo of his family and a lucky rabbit's foot taken from Daisy upon him. Blazkowicz could be the Doom Marine in Doom RPG .You find the mentioned in a log addressed to B.J. Following the death of the last Hell Priest, the Slayer was temporarily trapped on the Fortress by the Khan Maykr, who remotely shut down the structure to prevent the Slayer from continuing his interference and revealing her intentions to awaken the Icon of Sin. Height [2] The website describes it as the Marine's "...return to Mars in a showdown with the legions of Hell!". As the Crucible's blade keeps the Dreadnought from returning to life, the Slayer only took the Crucible's hilt and using it to forge a new blade. As the Slayer enters the gateway, his surroundings take the form of an arena, in tandem with the arrival of adversaries ready for battle Seemingly extracted from the data of his experiences, the opponents the Slayer faces are familiar but now transformed by some unseen force. The Slayer is considered a Dark Lord by the denizens of Hell; as he is unquestionably the most ferocious and skilled warrior to ever inhabit the realm, he holds the right to lead and rule them. The Slayer discovers that the World Spear is not a crystal, but a colony ship, housing thousands of Wraiths. He's one of the few silent protagonists in games who have a plot-related reason not to talk. Delta Jump-Boots: This early version of the. For he alone was the Hell Walker, the Unchained Predator, who sought retribution in all quarters, dark and light, fire and ice, in the beginning, and the end, and he hunted the slaves of Doom with barbarous cruelty; for he passed through the divide as none but the demon had before. Blazkowicz, Billy Blaze, and his son Billy Blaze. Guided by Hayden, the Slayer fought his way to the roof of Nekravol and using its portal to travel to the Maykr realm of Urdak, where the Khan Maykr prepares to waken the Icon. Blazkowicz III but according to official interviews the developers clearly stated he has no name. Every time the gladiators are fragged in combat, the Vadrigar revive them so they may fight again. With the Celestial Locator, the Slayer tracked down Ranak in the former UAC Arctic facility, defeating his Doom Hunters, and decapitating the hapless Hell Priest with the Doomblade. The demons have invaded and devastated the Earth, just as they did in Doom II. He continued fighting the horde on Earth, before taking the fight to Hell once more. Sentinel scouts had found the Outlander bloodied, clawed and near death, mumbling of impending Doom and the forces of Darkness. Characters from these universes are sometimes brought to the Arena Eternal to combat. PDA: Given to you on your first day on Mars. Race Doom 3, Resurrection of Evil or The Lost Mission,,,,,,,, Finally the Corporal fights his way into Hell using the Soul Cube he defeats the Cyberdemon. Valen's son was returned to him, but in a twist to their bargain had instead been resurrected as the Icon of Sin. Recently transferred to Mars, this soldier got more than he asked for when Dr. Betruger betrayed the UAC. His mind seemed crippled with rage. The UAC's most remarkable discovery was in Hell's Kadingir Sanctum. Not only that, but Commander Keen himself also fathered The Slayer, which basically confirmed three generations of badassery battling Nazis, Aliens, and Demons. The Marine had been dispatched from Earth in response to a distress call from Union Aerospace Corporation's research facility on Mars. He ultimately uses a gateway to reach Earth to discovers that a city had been invaded while he was in Hell, and his pet rabbit Daisy had been killed, he vowed to fight back. The demonized former sentinel tears the Argent City apart while everyone watched helplessly. Okay, but I don't think this goes with Doom 2016. According to Quake Champions, he is the same marine from the Classic Doom games. Armed with only a pistol he entered the base hearing growls in the distance. Dans le film de 2005, Doomguy est incarné par Karl Urban, qui a également incarné Skurge dans le film Thor: Ragnarok, le juge Dredd dans le film de 2012, Dredd, et Billy Butcher dans la série Amazon The Boys. The Dark Lord leaves and the Slayer is transported to Argent D'Nur, where he fights off the hordes that attack him. He does, however, show to be sympathetic to a degree as seen when he made a backup copy of VEGA before destroying, although this could be attributed to the fact the AI opted to sacrifice itself to aid the Doom Slayer in his quest. Voice Actor I am talking about the reboots baby! Guerard promptly orders demons to attack the Marine and Nadira. Chronologically Quake Champions is a prequel to the other Quake Arena games. The age of his reckoning was uncounted. Hayden stops the Slayer from accessing the information in question and guides him to a VEGA terminal in order to give the Slayer an argent cell to improve his suit. He carried it as a reminder of innocence lost, not for luck--after all, it wasn't lucky for Daisy. Upon identifying the Slayer and his armor from within the Helix Stone, and the developing suspicion of his employee and former protégé Olivia Pierce, Samuel had the sarcophagus hidden in a concealed location within the UAC facility. Doom Slayer vs Superman. It is revealed in flashbacks that after being found by the Night Sentinel patrols, he was brought to their arena on Sentinel Prime to be judged whether he is worthy to be a warrior of the realm or not by Ranak and Grav. By Argenta law, he would be judged in the Coliseum, where he would be given the chance of all who stray from the Path to fight for his freedom. Doom Eternal introduces a number of unlockable character skins for the Doom Slayer. He also owns a biography about. A backpack with Doomguy Collectable, and a Cacodemon plush headgear. Since he had other Hell encounters in the past, the Marine is the only one who survives on the starport. Doom Slayer and BJ are cleaning house alike, since Doom Slayer sees the Nazis as enemies after they open fire on him. Trapped beneath the ruin, the Slayer was entombed within a sarcophagus and frozen in stasis within the Kadingir Sanctum (It is unknown why the demons didn't kill him). Blazkowicz from Wolfenstein: The New Order to some extent. And blinded by his fervor, the lure drew him in. Original Backstory (from original Doom's manual). Final Doom covers the Doom Marine's (or possibly another character's) destruction of two other Icons of Sin, one after Hell's invasion of Jupiter's moon Io (TNT: Evilution) and the other after another invasion of Earth (The Plutonia Experiment), both invasions being brought about by further experimentation with interdimensional gateways. An unstoppable killing machine hell-bent on destroying, well, Hell, Doom Slayer is one of the video game industry's most iconic characters. However, in TNT Evilution, we learn that Marine continued to work on the UAC, now as 'marine commander' of marine troops on one of Jupiter's moons. The game ends with the defeat of the Cyberdemon. The Doom Slayer has been to Hell and brought it to its knees. He then arms himself with a pistol, reclaims his Praetor Suit and begins to fight the hordes of hell once more. Doom Slayer est le protagoniste et personnage jouable de Doom, Doom II: Hell on Earth, Final Doom, Doom 64, Doom 2016, Quake 3 Arena, Quake Champions et Doom éternelle et peut – être Doom 3. After this Hayden pulls the Slayer back to Mars and keeps him restrained by the teleporter. Thigh plates: Trade carrying space for increased protection. The Marine join other marine troops to stop the invasion on Earth. The scent of blood followed him, and the gore that stained his armor seemed not entirely of his own. It is unclear if he is just another member of the staff of the UAC base, or possibly the only time the Marine's name is given in the game. The head mesh was borrowed from BJ's head from Wolfenstein: The New Order, Doomguy's face at the end of Thy Flesh Consumed, Doomguy's face from the HUD bar in Doom I and II, The Doom Slayer's face in DOOM (2016)'s Classic Maps. It's heavily implied that the creature would become the Cyberdemon. Unfortunately for the demons, the Doom Marine's sarcophagus was eventually retrieved by the UAC (on an alternate earth) and brought back to Mars. Upon uploading Hayden's mind into the Fortress of Doom, the Slayer learns from him of Grav's location and that the only access to Sentinel Prime is through a portal in the the city of Hebeth in Mars' core. Personne ne sait qui il est, et il semble disparaître aussi vite qu'il survient. With the help of Kelvin and Jensen, the Marine gains access to the Reactor sector. [12] After the truth of the Maykrs' betrayal was revealed, the Slayer remained loyal to the Sentinels opposed to the Khan Maykr. He takes the Wraith crystal, and heads back to a reclaimed Earth, whose invasion has stopped due to the death of the Icon of Sin. He is a demon slayer and defender of Earth. He is also known by the UAC as DM1-5, DOOM Marine or The Slayer, and by the Demons of Hell as the Doom Slayer, the Unchained Predator, the Beast or the Hell Walker. was transferred to Mars, home of the Union Aerospace Corporation. As the Deag; now going by the moniker of Hell Priests, corrupted by their exposure to demonic essence and the influence of the Kahn Maykr. Then Hayden uses the tether to return the Slayer to him, incapacitate him, and take the Crucible from him. Using his newfound powers, the marine took the Crucible, a weapon held for a true Sentinel warrior king, and using it to slay the Dreadnought and planting the blade inside the beast's heart. Since then the Sentinels deemed the marine as a chosen hero, and he gained his (in)famous title: the Doom Slayer. Something survived on Mars' moon, however. As time may flow differently in this dimension, the Doom Slayer torments Hell for thousands of years long after the remnants of his Loyalist sect died out. All your loved ones will be there, waiting to embrace you again, as if you have never left...". Samuel Hayden guides him through slaying the demons on Mars and Hell, equipping him with a dimensional tether allowing him to travel between them. The Hell priests put a curse on their patron deities to siphon their homeworld's energy. Upon returning to Mars he finds the UAC facility overrun with demons as the demonic portal allows them easy access to the red planet. The marine has encountered his ancestor (William J. Blazkowicz (Classic))'s dark alternate universe counterpart William J. Blazkowicz (MachineGames) in the Arena Eternal. According to Tom Hall, and John Romero, the original William Blazkowicz was the grandfather of Commander Keen, and ancestor of Doom Guy of the original Doom.

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