Upload & Share files

Access your private team’s file sharing module by clicking on the symbol in the top menu of the relevant team.

Click on « create a folder » button and insert the folder name. To create a sub directory of a folder, simply click on the folder and press « create folder ».
Tips : Folders are ordered in alphabetical order. You can for example add at the beginning of your folders parent names « WPO / WP1 /… » to organize them into ordered work packages

Click on the folder where you want to add files. Then click on the « add new documents » button to upload files. A new windows pop-up and where you can either select file(s) in your computer’s directory, or simply drag and drop the files you want to share into this window.

Once you have clicked on the concerned folder, select files and press the « move » button to transfer files to another folder.

Access to your team advanced options by clicking on the small arrow located on your team’s image in the top left corner and follow the instructions on the page.