tender years parent handbook

tender years parent handbook

Late pick up fees apply to all programs. Parents are asked to work cooperatively with staff to ensure that everything possible is being done to correct any problems and/or difficulties and those issues are being handled fairly and quickly. The Behavior Management Policy is reviewed annually and signed by the staff; it does contain preventative strategies for child abuse in a child care centre. This is why we do our best to tailor our curriculum and … During very hot or cold months, TYCC’s policy on outdoor time is as follows. The centre’s salaries and overhead expenses cannot be reduced because of “Absentee Losses” in income. To ensure the safety for children with this allergy, we take all possible precautions to prevent exposure to all allergens, through communication, awareness and careful food purchasing, preparation, handling, and serving. If there is an extreme weather alert, the children’s outdoor time is shortened or canceled. After having a divorce, Norton was deprived custody of her children. All concerns and/or complaints that cannot be dealt with by room staff should be brought to the Director/Supervisor’s attention or designate and should not be addressed in front of the children or in the classrooms. Part Time options depend on days of the week that are available per program with exception to our Infant Program which is a Full Time only enrolment. The portfolios will be pertaining evidence of learning that has taken place, observations that are being made on a weekly and monthly basis as well as the NIPISSING Screening Tools that are used to track each child’s development. This policy enforces Ministry guidelines that children are not in Child Day Care for longer than 9 hours and that children are not being neglected and are spending enough time with their family. Read about what parents have to say about our preschool and day care activities at Atkins Tender Loving Care, Inc. Read more » Contact Information. If your child has an anaphylactic allergy you are required to provide an Epi-Pen in case of anaphylactic shock. We have very high standards of care, safety and education – plus a whole lot of fun, at a far more affordable price. Monday—Friday: 6:30 AM–6:30 PM Parent Documents The role of the teacher is to support a child’s sense of self-worth while providing opportunities for the child to learn appropriate ways to interact with others. 201 Bryant Street Tender Year Childcare Ajax, is Licensed by Ministry of Education Ontario. CAREERS. All programs submit daily tracking reports through the Bright Wheel app that parents are required to have set up prior to their child’s first day. Information pertaining to the curriculum plan for the week, newsletters, reminders, notes etc. Mechanicsburg Center, ProgramsInfants The families will benefit from having their child in a facility where they will be nurtured and supported in such a way that promotes positive self-esteem and provides the opportunity for optimal growth in all areas of development. Tender Years, Inc. is closed on the following holidays: New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Presidents’ Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. Should this occur, the said person will be asked to leave the premises. The child will not be accepted back into the Centre until there is a note from the doctor stating that the child’s condition is no longer contagious. Parent Handbook. In order to enhance the process, you will see: An array of artwork that children have completed will be displayed at eye level to enhance the learning environment. Opportunities to learn and grow through play-based learning modules will be provided throughout the day! If you have delegated the picking up of your child to someone else, the parent/guardian is still responsible for any late fees owing. The conditions of this Agreement provide protection for our parents and children, as well as our centre. Download an informational flyer (pdf): Tender Tracks 2019 She is now 7. If a child becomes ill while in attendance, the child will be isolated from the other children until the parent arrives. Parents may call the centre if they are interested in attaining insight or to be added to the waitlist for any program within our centre. Automatic Withdrawals: Maybe set up on a weekly, bi-weekly or monthly basis. At Tender Years we feel that it is important that communication between parents and staff takes place on an ongoing, daily basis. On-going professional development and learning play a fundamental role in maintaining quality educators within the classroom environment. Upon … We will work on developing the children’s ability to correspond to educators, families and the community that is effective and positive. TYCC implements an educational approach to all circumstances. Regular routines establish a child’s sense of security. Please check their cubbies daily and replace anything that is brought home. 866-521-KIDS SCHEDULE A TOUR. Navigating the Teen Years: A Parent's Handbook for Raising Healthy Teens Gives tips and checklists to increase awareness and help parents guide their teens to a healthy life. This fee is payable at the time of registration and is non-refundable. Also, we ask that shoes have rubber soles and are properly fitted which allows them freedom and safety of movement for full participation in all activities. THE Teen Years A PArent’s HAndbook for rAising HeAltHy teens. A Parent Handbook should include: A Mission Statement – statement of purpose and function; Details of crèche opening hours, ratios,daily routine; The range of services; Staff qualifications; Information on daily activities; Items to be provided by parents; Details of communication with parents; Details of the records kept in respect of each child Tender Years Child Care Centre is licensed to provide care for children from 0 months up to 12 years of age. We will do our best to limit the outdoor time during hot weather to before 11:00 a.m. and after 3:00 p.m. – when the sun is less intense. We meet and maintain provincial standards set out in Ontario Regulations 137/15 made under the Child and Early Years Act, 2014 concerning programming and operations as well as standards set by the Health and Fire Departments. Design by Impulsive Media. is the responsibility of a parent to make significant decisions for the child, such as medical decisions and where the child attends school. Our goal is to help the children in our care achieve a sense of self-discipline and inner control by talking about inappropriate behavior and understanding the consequences of their actions. In order to assure that we can provide the services that your children are entitled to, it is essential that the financial status of the centre be stable. Our centre’s Anaphylaxis Plan is designed to: Ensure that children at risk are identified, Ensure strategies are in place to minimize the potential for accidental exposure, Ensure staff, students and volunteers are trained annually to respond in an emergency situation. We believe that capturing, observing and documenting the children’s progress in our program is a form of reinforcement of the importance to maintain a strong learning process for educators, family, and children. Please Note: It is important that parents and staff communicate in order to find an alternate solution if lateness becomes an issue. Non-payment of fees could result in the withdrawal of your childcare services. We suggest that children wear clothing that is comfortable and easily handled by little fingers. Parents will be encouraged to provide any sources that can support their children’s learning, extend the sense of community partnerships and provide children with an opportunity to strengthen autonomous relationships. If, on any given day, this is impossible, please call and let the staff know. We want you to be very pleased and comfortable with your decision to choose KinderCare Learning Centers. HOME ABOUT TYCC > PROGRAMS PUBLIC PHOTOS PARENT TESTIMONIALS LINKS/RESOURCES TYCC PARENTS > INFANT PROGRAM. The following factors have been considered in developing our Centre’s Health Policy: The inability of a child who is ill or not feeling well to cope with the day’s program. This policy has been legislated by law –Smoke-Free Ontario Act. The Parent agrees to provide, in writing, a two-week notice of withdrawal and understands that failure to do so will result in having to pay the two weeks full fees after withdrawal without proper notification. Lights are shut off, blinds are closed and children are guided to a safe area away from the windows. Code Ann. Ph: (905) 683 2559 Good nutrition is essential for healthy growth and child development. Tools within the centre, books, articles, webinars, that will allow for research-based ideas and concepts to implement with the children which will enhance the learning environment. § 9-11-104. There will be a letter and permission slip sent home with each child, explaining what the event is if there is any cost to you, as well as the method of transportation. All staff members with an Early Childhood Education Diploma are also registered with the College of Early Childhood Education (RECE’s). Parent Signature:______________________________________, Child’s Name:__________________________________________, Witnessed by:_________________________________________, Signature of Witness:___________________________________, TENDER YEARS CHILDCARE Once you decide that Tender Years Child Care is the right fit for your child, you will inform us of the care type that you are interested in. Regular weekly child care fees are due on these days as well. An incident report will be filled out by the teacher, which is to be signed by the parent and will be kept on file. Should there be a potentially dangerous situation (i.e. Upon registration, a form will be required to be filled out to provide permission for your child to participate in off-site excursions. when moving children, during outdoor play, during transitions, etc.). If a child is not picked up by 6:30 p.m. and contact is not established by 7:00 p.m., the Children’s Aid Society and Police will be notified. Strengthening our relationships with parents and minimizing closed-ended conversations is fundamental in fostering the partnerships we are keen on creating. No special consideration will be given to parents who request to have their child moved to the top of the wait list. Only employees, who have met all employment requirements, will have direct unsupervised access to children. We will not administer “over the counter” medicine unless it is accompanied by a doctor’s note with specific and clear instruction on dosage and time of administration and our “OT Prescription Requirements” form which is available for your doctor to fill out. It will be accessible to view the process that takes place when learning environments, activities, and opportunities are generated. A parent handbook must have the information on the school. All programming will be planned in conjunction with the ELECT Document to ensure the children’s developmental levels, various domains and goals that can be met are addressed. No child(ren) is left unattended for any reason at any time. A notice will be posted informing parents of the destination, time, date, and cost (if any) of the excursion. This is important so that we can encourage their self-help skills and help them develop a sense of independence. Children will be engaged in continual learning opportunities through guided practices, which allows for independent growth and development. Tender Years Child Care practices a Code of Conduct for all employees. Please do not send any treats to the centre that have this warning on its packaging. We encourage that every child, especially in the summer, comes to the centre daycare with a re-useable water bottle – the staff will refill as needed. In order to ensure that we are meeting all the requirements that outline a quality program in conjunction with the “How Does Learning Happen?” document, Tender Years Child Care follows our Program Statement that is implemented on a daily basis. All meals will be served in a “family style” method. Hand washing routines will occur throughout the day (i.e. All furnishings will be child-sized which will add to the limitations of environmental stressors accessibility of our centre. Volunteers and students are not employees of the childcare centre and therefore not counted in the staffing ratios. Through an array of communicative strategies, consistency, refined guidelines and principles, we are capable of staying committed to high-quality care. We will not borrow clothing from other children. Director- Mechelle Sparks Assistant Director-Beth Greenlee 515-964-5437 tenderyears1@gmail.com http://www.facebook.com/tenderyearsone. Receipts will be issued for all payments that are made. Director- Lori Puhr-Griffith Assistant Director-Kerigan Balentine 515-964-1098 tenderyears2@gmail.com <

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