single plane swing setup

single plane swing setup

There really is a bit of trial and error involved. Simply set the ball up on the heel side of clubface center, that’s how Moe fixed the toe issue. And thank you for the kudos! Relative to NC, I do not travel much these days. Thousands of people have followed this advice over the past 20 years with success. It is based on a simple setup change which helps you play better your next time out. This will give a great feeling of forearm release. It is based on a simple setup change which helps you play better your next time out. I switched to the single plane swing 12 months ago, attended your school 10 months ago, broke 80 for the first time with the new swing 8 months ago, shot 75 3 months ago, and today broke par for the first time since my 30’s with a -2 69! Recommended For You. Single-Axis Golfer — Notice how the head remains behind the ball, the trail foot is on the ground, and spine tilt is maintained. The lead leg has remained flexed and stable, and since the single-axis swing started on the same plane as impact, there’s no need to move the body to compensate and make room for a steeper shaft. Single plane seems like an easier way. swing on a single – plane circle Making a single-plane swing is so easy, it feels like cheating. I teach in West Palm Beach and Port St. Lucie, FL, so if you make it down South give call. Let me know if I can help further and good luck! Sore spot on back side located right where I turn through the shot at the end. Other locations coming soon. Your email address will not be published. My right arm is bent through out the swing. I have a TM 460 SLDR 12 degree. Because the two methods use different criteria to define the swing plane, the swing mechanics of each method, namely Hardy and single plane, are not completely interchangeable in my opinion. For single plane swing devotees, I recommend using a grip style that automatically aligns your arms with the club shaft at address. Troy’s Amazing Accuracy . https://learninggolf.tvYou can sign up for my free video email series with 100 video lessons at Schools will be using Video feedback plus FlightScope X3 shot analysis. On the rare occasion that I get it solid with the SPS its a 290 yard laser though. This video covers the Single Plane Golf Swing Setup for my "Setup 4 Impact" golf method. Club lagging behind in the take-away because of a sped up backswing. Now boiled down to it’s most simple form. Required fields are marked *. Thank you! 2. This is the feeling of a complete forearm release and is essential to squaring the clubface through impact in a Single Plane Swing. What tips can you offer? I left Ocotillo in 1989. Comment. Sorry for the long delay on this. This is the feeling of a complete forearm release and is essential to squaring the clubface through impact in a Single Plane Swing. Regarding the G1 Grip do you play the over sized or standard? You are such a good teacher! A swing is considered to be a single plane when your club shaft angle at impact matches what it was at address. Todd Graves is a golf instructor who teaches the single plane swing. ... important parts of a swing. Then do two practice sessions where you hit 7 balls with each club until you complete 3 sets (63 shots). Name (optional) Email (optional) Website . Any thoughts on possible hand release drill or do have another thought on what could be causing my issue. At the end of two sessions I’ll be you know which grip size is for you. It might help you draw the ball if you have never drawn it before. Then, try leading with the heel of the clubface. In a one-plane swing (for a right-hander), the left arm’s position at the top of the back-swing matches the tilt of the shoulders when viewed looking down the target line. Take a close look at the pictures, the right hand is on correctly when the underside of the right forearm is aligned with the clubshaft. I have two questions. That includes many years of conventional golf. Nothing but duck hooks and worm burners. I currently teach in Royal Palm Beach and Port St. Lucie, both in Florida. What is better for the single plan swing with this grip? It is about Learning Perfect Impact. The single plane swing is very simple and mimics the process of drawing the golf club back and through the golf ball. Can you send me details at my email address listed above. So you will bend over more, you will be further from the ball and you also might notice that the toe of the club is kicked up in the air a little bit. Sal, saw your post on the single plane swing. Setup 4 Impact is the only fully customizable Single Plane method for every golfer. I hope your game reflects your efforts. CHECK VIDEO BELOW. You will see the forearm cross over occurs sooner in my Single Plane Swing because body rotation is minimized. My version of the concept is called “Setup 4 Impact” golf and it is the easiest golf swing you can ever learn. It is very similar to how tight you hold a hammer if you need a reference. Can you over rotate on the follow through after impact. This is typically indicative of early release of wrist angle or rotation of forearms. Jerry Heard also taught a very similar method, except he set up with his weight already on his back foot, so the backswing had no weight shift, just the turning of hips and shoulders and cocking the wrists. See my channel for the other videos and subscribe and accept notifications using the link below. Much of the success of the single plane swing begins in the setup. Minimalist Single Plane Golf Swing Video – How to setup and swing. SUBSCRIBE on youtube 1) your thoughts on grip and grip size, taper, etc. And from a swing perspective, the biggest changes from his old swing are: Much wider feet width at setup and he is s tanding further from the ball at setup. I suggest you buy a couple different sizes and tapers and then try them on your 5, 6 and 7 irons (each club with a different grip size and/or taper). Thank you. Minimalist Single Plane Golf Swing Video How To Setup And Swing Relative to grip size and taper, comfort is the key. The goal is to make improvement happen as fast as possible. Could be I am not releasing my hands at impact or I am setting up with open club face and not releasing enough. It has been through many different names such as Single-Axis, Natural Golf, and the Moe Norman golf swing. The video you reference became property of the new owners of Natural Golf and they took it down…sorry. I teach you how to setup 4 Impact so that it fits your own body instead of trying to exactly copy another person who’s body is different than your own. Hi, Ken. “When doing set up for the single plane and establishing the body tilt, (I am right handed golfer) is your lead shoulder actually closed to the target at set up about 15 to 20 degrees?” YES. Thank you for your kind words. (right handed golfer). Just Setup … Since 1996 I have been teaching the Single Plane Golf Swing. Please let me know…me let me know—thanks Henry Quartullo p.s A lot of Keiser students are working at West Palm Beach municipal—an impressive group. Handicap through the years has ranged from 4 to 14 (majority of time around a 7) I am 50 and want to give one more push toward my goal of Zero. Bob. When doing set up for the single plane and establishing the body tilt, (I am right handed golfer) is your lead shoulder actually closed to the target at set up about 15 to 20 degrees? Thanks, Sal Benigno, Seasoned Citizen, Feel free to contact me anytime at It also requires that your clubs be fit to precisely match your setup position. The single plane swing is very simple and mimics the process of drawing the golf club back and through the golf ball. Beginners often find it easy to learn and repeat because the process is natural. The two plane is a more advanced option for golfers. Its mainly used to generate higher speed and longer distances. Another good drill is to separate your hands about 5 inches apart on the golf grip and swing the club back and forth in front of your body. Most shots off driver, very high and mild to heavy slice right. You will stand further away from the ball than you would using a two plane method. Grasp your lead thumb in the lifeline of your trail palm, simulating your golf grip. I am looking spending this fall and winter converting to a single plane action. The Kirk Junge method at the top is the same single plane swing Moe Norman and Todd Graves teach/taught. I’d first suggest you copy the pictures I posted and try a practice session. Use mouse to hover cursor over picture for tips…Click on picture for larger view. Multitudes of Golfers are choosing to focus on the impact position using a simple one-plane swing for consistency, accuracy, and distance. This is such an interesting way to golf and be able to be less fearful of injury in long run! Thank you for your comment, I have sent a reply to your email. We are in Punta Gorda but would come your way for a few days. No need to push the envelope to pain. Thank you for your comment, Myron. In a two-plane swing, the left arm is typically higher (more upright or vertical). Thank you for your comment and let me know if I can help further. Just Setup 4 Impact. I have taught for most of the different companies and people involved. Thank you Henry, I have sent you an email response. Top Benefits of the Single Plane "Setup 4 Impact" golf swing, and membership to Easily customize the swing to fit each individual golfer regardless of age, and physical condition. Other locations coming soon. A complete turn to finish facing the target is aesthetically pleasing but not a requirement for solid ball striking in the Single Plane Swing. Below are images of my Single Plane forearm release versus my Tour Swing forearm release. GGA Drills DVD Link. I think you have made a wise decision, Single Plane is the simplest method I know of. Thank you. Ken, I had a few lesson with you at The Village a few years ago, and I would like to reunite with you and benefit from your teaching.I want to do the one plane swing and would like to schedule an hour at the Village whenever you have the time. Problem seems to be only with driver, irons and hybrids for the most part very straight shots. This video covers the Single Plane Golf Swing Setup for my “Setup 4 Impact” golf method. Do you still teach Natural golf from Ocotillo? Bryson DeChambeau starts on the same plane at the address position into the impact position; using a ONE PLANE SWING (see image at the right). Ideally, your swing should stay on this specific incline the entire way through the swing – similarly to the movement used by a club testing machine. The G1 from Golfworks is a nice match. Moe’s Legs Were Straight This builds a stable foundation – or what is called an A-frame – for the swing day after day. I worry about getting my upper body ahead of the ball and getting that huge block right that tends to creep in. Compare his old driver setup with his new one: 2. He taught for many years for Natural Golf Corporation, Single Axis golf, and the Moe Norman Single plane golf swing for Todd Graves and the Graves Golf Academy. Relative to your driver, I would suggest you focus externally, more on the clubface at impact than your body motion. Norman’s swing featured a set of specific address positions, each critical to creating a single-plane motion. The reason I did was that I noticed that when I had a “hanging lie” with the ball below my feet, I was forced to extend both of my arms in a manner that approximates the single plane set-up and would hit it at least a club or two longer than normal and straight. Hey Ken, Because body rotation is minimized, forearm rotation is maximized; if not, you will block shots to the right. You may have to do an internet search to find someone in NC. The Single Plane Solution - Secrets of Moe Norman Foreword Page 1 by Barry Morrow Introduction Page 2 Its all about our Moe-ments. The single plane address position of Moe Norman is the foundation to moving the club correctly on what we consider the single plane.Many golf instruction companies today talk about swing plane. Beginners often find it easy to learn and repeat because the process is natural. You’ll remember, those of you who were around the blog back in 2013, that my first post-Mike Austin group swing model was what I called “New MCS” and which featured “The Formula” setup. Thank you for your query Mark. Thank you for your comment, I have sent you an email response. Do you think something like the Golf Pride Jumbos would work or would midsize be better? The big difference is that Kirk fits the swing to each individual golfer. I will definitely update you all when it happens. Most hit the ball farther as their path improves and with the single plane setup they also return the clubface square more often. In a single plane swing, your shoulders and arms should move on a single axis which matches the plane of the club. Learn how your comment data is processed. The key is to learn the whole set to make it work effectively. I really want to get back into teaching the method you teach. It seems pretty similar, or simple to do, but it’s actually very, very complicated when you get into this. Your email address will not be published. The problems arise when I get to the woodd, particularly driver. I am currently establishing a new system for online lessons. Definitely an open clubface issue at impact. Things not going so well. While keeping your chest facing forward, swing your trail arm across your chest allowing your forearms to “cross over”. Life changed direction a bit for me and I now teach full-time at Keiser University in West Palm Beach. (elbow surgery), can not straighten arm. While I am still a big supporter of the Single Plane Swing, I am no longer affiliated with Natural Golf. “Does the grip in the trail hand go from the fingers almost up down the life line up the inside of the trail arm?” YES, WHEN VIEWED FROM DOWNLINE, AS THE HANDLE DOES NOT REST AGAINST THE LIFELINE BECAUSE OF THE LEFT THUMB POSITION. Esther. If you begin to PUSH the ball as you reach the long irons, try moving the ball position a little more forward (toward the target). A couple struggles I have are getting the proper distance from the ball at setup (always feel close compared to your visuals), however no matter how far away I stand I seem to always make contact towards the toe on impact…any suggestions? Step one on the Single plane Grip can be found at \"setup 4 Impact\" Single Plane golf method makes it easier to hit any golf shot. New MCS Formula Was A Single-Plane Swing Setup. I will be more than happy to work with you online though if those locations are not convenient. Ken, The key is that the size allows the golfer to fully hinge their wrists without using excess grip pressure to maintain control of club. Club more across the line at the top of his swing. “Also does grip of the club in the lead hand go across the base of the fingers or more at angle up through the palm?” SLIGHT ANGLE THROUGH THE PALM BUT UNDER THE HEEL PAD. Can you tell me if you are a left- or right-handed player? Also referred to as the one-plane swing, the single plane golf swing is a type of swing where you take the club back on the same plane as you return it to the golf ball. Try setting up that way and tell me what I can do. Graves says it's a lot easier than the traditional swing. Kirk Junge currently teaches Single Plane golf fulltime in West Palm Beach, Florida in the Winter months, Cincinnati, Ohio a couple times per year. The one plane swing set up is such that you position the ball 5 inches inside the front heel and all your irons are to be played there on your full swing. Ken have you set anything up on the internet to work with students yet on the single plane swing? The stance width will be wider than that of a two plane swing, to provide a good base for the aggressive torso rotation of this method. 4. He currently teaches his Single Plane Setup 4 Impact swing which has many similarities to all of the above. By starting at address with arms aligned with the club shaft, one can swing back and forward on virtually the same swing path or on a single plane. Kirk Junge currently teaches fulltime in West Palm Beach, Florida in the Winter months, Cincinnati, Ohio a couple times per year. I’m wondering if I need more lateral movement toward the target in the downswing with these clubs? Be certain the clubface is square to your target. Yes, center ball position is a good place to start with short irons. 2) do you ever come to NC to teach. Any updates on working with us on the internet Ken? Basically you can practice this sitting in a chair. Right hand grip, does palm face skyward or more towards left palm? Ken, I use the single plane method. Thousands of people have followed this advice over the past 20 years with success. Of course this also reduces the movement of the body and results in more consistency. Send me your contact information for tips on the single plane swing. More info at This video on the Single Plane Setup is part 2 of my 7 step learning program. Check out my other videos and you can see me hitting some more shots. Slice a few on purpose without compromising forward swing path from the inside. This video covers the Single Plane Golf Swing Setup for my \"Setup 4 Impact\" golf method. Thank you. My goal is for nobody to have an excuse for not giving this simple to learn method … Now boiled down to it's most simple form. Simply allow yourself to turn to a comfortable finish. The tilt happens naturally... 3. He currently teaches his Single Plane Setup 4 Impact swing which has many similarities to all of the above. Uploaded by admin on November 14, 2013 at 11:30 am Then let me know where you have difficulty and I can provide guidance. I have been doing single plane for several years, started with a natural golf training session in Palm Desert area, also used Sci-Golf Tape…I liked your video lessons, looking forward to your future videos. I used to teach for the GGA as an apprentice and since parted ways. Any thoughts. Below are five keys using a single-plane swing to drill pinpoint shots into the green: Align your arms and shoulders at the top Keep front arm tucked into your chest Keep your trail leg still during the swing Move your entire body as one Explode to the ball with all your force Tried GGA and was not very successful. Would like a few lessons on Single Plane if you are still in Port St Lucie. I can get deep into golf biomechanics and show that I know a lot, but that will only confuse most golfers. Good luck! I hope to produce some videos in the future, in the mean time browse my new website and get involved in the Forum if you have any specific questions I can help you with…Thanks for your support! Your lead arm will fold at the elbow, lead palm will face the sky and your trail palm will face the ground. Nice to hear…thank you for your comment. On the follow through after impact, how far should your lid hip turn after impact, all the way to the point where your body is facing the target line? Reason I ask is I aim a right handed golfer, i have sore spot lower left of my back even with front left hip pivot point area.

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