one day in auschwitz transcript

one day in auschwitz transcript

There were such horrible conditions that God decided not to go there.". Do you know what would have happened? A “NORMAL” DAY IN AUSCHWITZ As a 15-year-old girl, you have survived the selection on the platform. In 1939, Hitler had authorised a scheme by which severely disabled children could be murdered. Thomas Blatt - Jewish Prisoner, Sobibor: "They did steal despite everything, they had a good time, they weren't, they didn't go to the Russia where their comrades were killed in the in the Russia, ah, in the Russian Front under Stalingrad, they killed innocent babies, that's a good life for them. He literally walked over bodies to satisfy his hunger for power. There was a grocery, where you could buy bones to make broth. He wouldn't say a word to me and I wouldn't say a word, because I was afraid, and he despised inmates. At least two German doctors had been examining new methods of sterilizing men and women at Auschwitz since 1942. They'd been experimenting for years in how to make synthetic rubber and fuel, essential raw materials for the German war effort. And he said: "Well how much do you want to spend? A German came in to try on some boots that the prisoners had made for him. - 'Well, you as the Dollar King should pay in Dollars, so I'd say it'll cost you 30 Dollars.' The girls are the same age Kitty was – 15 – when she was imprisoned in … The SS investigation had uncovered clear evidence of corruption at the camp. The sight must have been similar to this execution, filmed around the same time on the sand-dunes of Liepaja in Latvia. Of course, it was said that they would be going for treatment. But these things couldn't be helped. Either neurotics or brutes. Members of the Nazis' Adult Euthanasia Programme had up to now been targeting the mentally and physically disabled. It was a procession of spectres.". In Bulgaria, although the government had already given up 11,000 Jews from occupied territories, there were protests during 1943 about proposals to deport Bulgarian Jews. Gentlemen, the camp will be expanded. And there is nothing you can do about it? One Day in Auschwitz is an hour-long documentary produced by USC Shoah Foundation and originally broadcast on Discovery on Jan. 27, 2015. It was like some kind of gangsters' feast. Very good. The crucial reason for the transformation of Auschwitz was simple—its location. The camp is continuously expanded through the use of forced labor. This infamous concentration camp began life as a collection of dilapidated former Polish army barracks set around a huge horse breaking yard. He's wearing a gray suit, blue shirt, and pin-dotted blue tie. Irma Grese was one of 170 female SS staff at Auschwitz. It wasn't just men who exploited the situation they found themselves in—women did as well. One that would eventually make it the site of the largest mass murder in the world. She answered: 'One down, it doesn't matter…'". Here he lived as he thought a Nazi conqueror should and treated the prisoners as his serfs. … I had to drive as far as 60 miles to Zakopane and Rabka just to get some kettles. They drank, they sang, they patted each other. Dr Josef Mengele arrived at Auschwitz in May 1943. Rudolf Höss: "Palitzsch, the roll call leader, was the most cunning and slippery creature I had ever got to know and experience during my long and diverse service in various concentration camps. And at the centre of this web of slave labor and industry was the giant camp of Auschwitz-Birkenau. Every day we were allocated a ration of alcohol, which sometimes we'd all collect to have a really big drinking bout.". At the same time as the mass shootings of Jews in the Soviet Union, there was also an escalation in the killing of Auschwitz prisoners. And one day he came to me and said he wanted to go back with me [to my hometown and the camps]. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. Plans were drawn up for suitable furniture for the Reichsführer. The brothel lasted until January 1945 - and the suffering endured by the women who worked in these rooms is one of the least acknowledged aspects of the history of Auschwitz. Block 11 meant death.". Subtitles: If we want to get anything out of Russia we need to reduce consumption. And there was a sports club of which I was a member. They were taken into a room from which hung pipes and showerheads. 'You dogs! But as Höss witnessed, the local Nazi leader had problems with Reichsführer Himmler's plans. He used it again to kill the next transport of Russian prisoners of war.". ", Interviewer: "And you didn't feel anything? They were waiting for me to die. She hid in a forest for two weeks before being discovered by farm labourers working nearby. ", Interviewer: "This was your only thought? I am referring to the evacuation of the Jews, the extermination of the Jewish people. We can talk about it amongst ourselves yet we will never ever speak about it in public. '—'Listen, I've just returned from a trip and I need it' - 'Well, we've got to check it first' So they came, took the 3 seals off, opened the locker, found nothing, patted me on the shoulder and said, 'It's ok. Any Soviet political officers, or commissars, found amongst the Red Army prisoners on the front line were to be shot. Fritzsch chose Block 11 in Auschwitz to conduct his first experiment with Zyklon B. ", Vasyl Valdeman: "Though I was a small boy at that time, I understood what Nazis were. a minority survived and today decades. Although Auschwitz I is primarily a concentration camp, serving a … And they only gave vouchers to healthy prisoners, they wouldn't give them to prisoners who were on their last legs. They are inferior to any animal. They were looking for those prisoners who could no longer work. They pushed the fences down and ran straight towards the forest, crossing a minefield. When I traveled, I often took him with me [so he could see what my work was about]. Widmann reported to Artur Nebe, commander of one of the killing squads, at his headquarters in the Lenin House in Minsk. Poverty, hunger and thrift have been the lot of the Russians for centuries. We have taken away the riches that they had and I have given a strict order which General Pohl has carried out. As the Soviet Army neared Auschwitz in January 1945, the camp was evacuated and Maria was taken to the Ravensbrück and Buchenwald concentration camps in Germany. ", Oskar Gröning: "I was on a business trip to Berlin to deliver English pounds and American dollars and just at that time they raided the quarters of the NCO's and other ranks. Hart-Moxon was only 16 when herself and her mother were forced into the camp and now she wants to re-make the journey along with two teenage girls who are both of a similar age to … In Auschwitz, clothes infected with lice and other insects were disinfected with crystallised prussic acid, mass produced under the trade name The process had to go you know they had everything was done from the German point of view. In Polish prisons I … So she was with us, but not until the end – she died. This is where the belongings snatched from the arriving transports were sorted before being repacked and sent to Germany. Shortly after supervising the opening of the brothel, Höss learnt that he was to be removed as Commandant of Auschwitz. But it wasn't a joke. Twin brothers died together, and it was possible to perform autopsies on both. Hans Friedrich: "Try to imagine there is a ditch, with people on one side, and behind them soldiers. Auschwitz was to be his home away from home. August Kowalczyk—Polish political prisoner, Auschwitz: "Our attention was drawn—many of my colleagues saw this—by SS men running around with gas masks. But the gas chambers for which Auschwitz was to become infamous were not yet conceived. Mengele experimented not just on twins, but also on dwarves and prisoners with the form of gangrene of the face known as Noma, which was common in Birkenau because of the privations in which inmates were held. And, in the camp, some people believed it...". And although nothing came of her relationship with Wunsch, she did give evidence on his behalf at his war crimes trial many years later. Zyklon B. Subtitles: Zyklon B is used for pest control and thus protects our national economy and its assets, in particular the health of our people. Both Helena and her sister survived Auschwitz. It's a history, based in part on documents and plans only discovered since the opening of archives in Eastern Europe, and informed by interviews with people who were there, including former members of the SS. ", Once in neutral Sweden, the Danish Jews were given food and shelter. This term was mostly used at Auschwitz. Dario Gabbai—Jewish prisoner, Auschwitz 1944-45: "They were, the people screaming—all the people, you know—they didn't know what to do, scratching the walls, crying until the gas took effect. Subtitles: The German people are unaware of the true extent of all this misery. Children can't live here.' The Nazis spouted any number of similar prejudices about the Jews. Among them were 11 year old Vasyl Valdeman and his family. Selections were made from arriving transports of Jews. That was us and we were shooting. What they called the 'Final Solution'—the extermination of the Jews. He claims not to recall exactly which actions he took part in that summer, but he does admit to participating in killings like the one in Ostrog. Auschwitz main camp was on the banks of the Sola River in Southern Poland. Ryszard Dacko—Polish Political Prisoner, Auschwitz: "If I wanted to get a voucher, I had to sort things out with an SS-man. We pulled him away and put some clothes over him. You share your “bunk” with three bunkmates. The camp evolved alongside the Nazi plan for the conquest of Eastern Europe. The majority of inmates who worked in Canada were women. This is what you were preoccupied with, and this was a constant vigilance. We have taken nothing for ourselves. From his sofa to his occasional table, from his armchair to the hangings on the wall. Not on their knees but seated or lying down. The windows of the bunker had been covered up with sand, and in the bunker—the cells of the bunker, in the cellar—Soviet prisoners of war were assembled. I thought she was a small silly country bumpkin. After this horror, Widmann and his SS colleagues tried another method of mass murder—this one suggested by what had happened to Artur Nebe of the SS earlier on in the year. ", Eva Mozes Kor: "I was asked by somebody, 'You're very strong. The Nazi killing squads in the East had now began to target Jewish women and children as well as men. The doctors met neither each other, nor the patient, before reaching their verdict. This was to be a war of annihilation. But their SS guards often managed to interfere with this procedure. In the end about 50 of them evaded capture and survived the war, many of them former Red Army Soldiers who had been imprisoned in the camp. I saw an SS-man, a junior officer, walking around the gravel pit with a pistol in his hand…It was sadism. But one occupied country in Europe did more than any other to protect Jews - Denmark. Vera Alexander: "She shot one woman dead who was standing in front of me. In other words, "don't think about it. I got 2 vouchers.". All over the world, Auschwitz has become a symbol of terror, genocide, and the Holocaust. Learning from Nebe's experience, Widmann and his colleagues now conducted experiments in the Soviet Union, like this one. More than the total British and American losses in the whole of the Second World War. Words from "Commandant of Auschwitz" by Rudolf Höss: "The task wasn't easy. Auschwitz I, the main camp in Oświęcim. We were taken to Poland and left on the selection platform in Auschwitz… What else? Alcohol played a big role there. Höss who had worked in concentration camps since 1934 knew that his task was to create a place that would strike terror into the Poles. I took him and one of my nephews back home to my little town, and I showed them my house. This decision would in turn act as the catalyst for radical change in the function of Auschwitz. And nearby, down the Sola River, the concentration camp itself was to be transformed. He was about to oversee an even greater bloodbath. Helena Citrónová - Jewish prisoner, Auschwitz: "When he came into the barracks where I was working, he passed me by and threw me a note. Józef Paczynski —Polish political prisoner, Auschwitz: "I personally was afraid of walking past Block 11.

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