ileal conduit care quizlet

ileal conduit care quizlet

What should the nurse tell the client? Select all that apply. The nurse is caring for a client with recurrent urinary tract infections. The nurse is caring for a client with polydipsia and large amounts of urine with a specific gravity of 1.003. A client with type 2 diabetes mellitus who is taking metformin is scheduled for a computed tomography (CT) with contrast of the abdomen tomorrow. Increase fluid intake so that the patient can excrete 2,500 to 4,000 mL every day, which will help prevent additional stone formation. A client with a new ileal conduit asks the nurse when he needs to wear his appliance. Call the laboratory to see how the specimen was obtained. Which client action indicates an accurate understanding of this information? Patricia O'Connor, a 17-year-old high school student, is returning to the medical-surgical unit where you practice nursing from surgery. Which of the following is a strategy to promote urinary continence? The nurse receives a report of a serum potassium level on an infant of 5.4 mEq/L (5.4 mmol/L). Which symptom most likely prompted the client to seek medical attention? Learn from the best in the industry. A patient is admitted to a hospital with a diagnosis of spastic, neurogenic bladder. The client is diagnosed with genital herpes and is being treated for a urinary tract infection (UTI). What should the nurse do next? The client with pyelonephritis asks the nurse, "How will I know whether the antibiotics are treating my infection?" Which of the following is a priority nursing diagnosis for the client presenting with pelvic inflammatory disease? The nurse recognizes that urinalysis results that most likely indicate a urinary tract infection include: The most common presenting objective symptoms of a urinary tract infection in older adults, especially in those with dementia, include? After teaching a group of students about the types of urinary incontinence and possible causes, the instructor determines that the student have understood the material when they identify which of the following as a cause of stress incontinence? The nurse would expect to provide the client with which type of diet? The nurse should provide which medication instruction? Urinalysis reveals red and white blood cells and protein. ", A nurse is planning to administer a sodium polystyrene sulfonate enema to a client with a potassium level of 6.2 mEq/L. The client will have an abdominal hysterectomy tomorrow. Instruct the client to hold the sildenafil and contact the healthcare provider. What should the nurse tell the client? If an indwelling catheter is necessary, the nursing interventions that should be implemented to prevent infection include. The nurse's postoperative plan of care should include which of the following? uses alcohol gel to clean hands after removing gloves. The students demonstrate understanding of the material when they identify which of the following as a voiding dysfunction? Reflux of urine from the urethra into the bladder. Which finding would the nurse identify as the most common initial symptom? • Empty the collection bag at least every 8 hours to reduce bacterial growth. When describing the types of bladder tumors that may occur, which type would the nurse identify as most common? The nurse states that many members of the health care team (including a mental health practitioner) will see the client. Which of the following would the nurse expect to include in the client's plan of care? "I can do these exercises sitting up, lying down, or standing.". A nurse is caring for a client who is a hospital employee. The nurse is caring for a client with a cystectomy and ileal conduit (urostomy) for prior bladder cancer. What is the nurse's priority action? Decreased pelvic muscle tone due to multiple pregnancies. In the immediate postoperative period, which nursing intervention has the highest priority? A client is scheduled to undergo surgical creation of an ileal conduit. What statement should the nurse make to the caregiver about urinary incontinence in the older adult? Which measure should the nurse include in a bladder retraining program? Which diet regimen should the nurse recommend to the client on days between dialysis? A client undergoes a nephrectomy. A client is frustrated and embarrassed by urinary incontinence. A client comes to the clinic for a follow-up visit. Which information will be mostimportant for the nurse to give to the client prior to admission to the hospital? What instructions should the nurse include in the client's discharge teaching plan? a white blood cell count of 14,000 mm/dL (14.00 x 109/L). The physician tentatively diagnoses right ureterolithiasis (renal calculi). Correct administration and the effects of this enema should include having the client. Select all that apply. After hemodialysis, the nurse knows that the client is most likely to experience: Two weeks after being diagnosed with a streptococcal infection, a client develops fatigue, a low-grade fever, and shortness of breath. Which value requires further investigation? A patient undergoes surgery for removing a malignant tumor, followed by a urinary diversion procedure. b. disturbed body image related to change in function. A 30-year-old client is being treated for epididymitis. Which action should the nurse take? A client presents at the clinic with complaints of urinary retention. Select all the nursing actions that apply. The health care provider is concerned with the symptom he finds because it is considered diagnostic for bladder cancer. The nurse understands that this is most likely due to: Loss of motor control of the detrusor muscle. The nurse knows that this is most likely due to which of the following? A couple has completed testing and is a candidate for in vitro fertilization. The nurse suspects that the client is experiencing which type of incontinence? Which immediate action should the nurse take? Ms. Simpson, age 72 years, is being seen in the clinic with a suspected bladder tumor. Which of the following accounts for the majority of ureteral injuries? A client is admitted with fever and flank pain and is diagnosed with pyelonephritis. What is the most common first symptom of a malignant tumor of the bladder? The nurse determines that the participants understand the teaching when they identify which of the following as a contributing factor for UTIs in older adults? A nurse preceptor is observing a new graduate nurse during care of a client in contact isolation. The primary nurse educates the client about surgery and the postoperative period. The nurse is caring for an older patient whose chart reveals that the patient has a reversible cause of urinary incontinence. When obtaining the health history, the nurse should ask the client about which factors that could precipitate incontinence? What is your response to her situation as ordered by the physician? fluid is being infused at 150 ml/hour. Which measure should the nurse include in a bladder retraining program? Which diagnostic test results are consistent with CRF? The client asks the nurse, "How did I get this urinary tract infection?" She has a purulent vaginal discharge that is sometimes frothy. The most significant sign of acute renal failure is: A nurse is reviewing a report of a client's routine urinalysis. A client with chronic renal failure (CRF) is receiving a hemodialysis treatment. In addition to an absence of edema, the nurse should evaluate the client for which expected outcome? A patient who had surgery for creation of an ileal conduit 3 days ago will not look at the stoma and requests that only the ostomy nurse specialist does the stoma care. Prepare the client and equipment, create a sterile field, put on gloves, clean the urinary meatus, and insert the catheter until urine flows. A client undergoes extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy. A patient who has been treated with uric acid for stones is being discharged from the hospital. The nurse is caring for a client with acute renal failure and edema. The nurse is conducting a history and assessment related to a patient's incontinence. The nurse states that many members of the health care team (including a mental health practitioner) will see the client. Ensure that the catheter is draining freely. The nurse determines that interventions for decreasing fluid retention have been effective when the nurse makes which assessment in child with nephrotic syndrome? A client who is taking sildenafil has been prescribed tamsulosin. A major goal when caring for a catheterized patient is to prevent infection. The nurse notes that the dialysate drainage of a client receiving peritoneal dialysis is cloudy. A client is diagnosed with syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH). To aid in the resolution of the client's edema, the health care provider prescribes 25% albumin. Have the client urinate on a timed schedule. A comprehensive program that incorporates timed voiding and urinary urge inhibition is referred to as: A nurse who is taking care of a patient with a spinal cord injury documents the frequency of reflex incontinence. The nurse should reinforce which dietary instruction? Which statements by the client would indicate that teaching has been effective? The nurse determines that the participants understand the teaching when they identify which of the following as risk factors for urinary incontinence? What should the patient be encouraged to do? A nurse is assessing a male client diagnosed with gonorrhea. A nurse has been asked to speak to a local women's group about preventing cystitis. The client asks the nurse, "Is it really possible to lead a normal life with an ileostomy?" A client with benign prostatic hypertrophy has an elevated prostate-specific antigen (PSA) level. Which classification of medication is anticipated for clients having difficulty with urinary incontinence? Nursing assessment findings reveal abdominal pain, absence of bowel sounds, fever, tachycardia, and tachypnea. Which assessment is the priority? Measure the circumference of both calves and note the difference. Which clinical finding should a nurse look for in a client with chronic renal failure? What education is important for the nurse to include with health teaching? The nurse advises the patient with chronic pyelonephritis that he should: Increase fluids to 3 to 4 L/24 hours to dilute the urine. retain the enema for 30 minutes to allow for sodium exchange; afterward, the client should have diarrhea. Which assessment finding suggests that the client is experiencing acute renal failure (ARF)? The nurse is teaching the caregiver of an older adult client about urinary incontinence. A nurse is caring for a client with acute pyelonephritis. When planning this client's care, the nurse should assign the highest priority to which nursing diagnosis? The catheterization should occur 4 to 6 hours and before bedtime. The health care provider suspects the patient is experiencing cystitis. Why do I say those things?" The nurse is caring for a client who is describing urinary symptoms of needing to go to the bathroom with little notice. ensuring that the metformin has been withheld for 48 hours prior to the scan. What information should the nurse give to the client about managing this health problem? Severe cramping may occur when the IUD is inserted. A client had a cystoscopy to remove a renal stone. Use of tobacco products is the leading cause of bladder cancer. The nurse is employed in an urologist office. The nurse is assisting in the development of a protocol for bladder retraining following removal of an indwelling catheter. Why is the catheter being clamped and unclamped? Sign up today or call 212-679-2300. Take the antibiotic for 3 days as prescribed. Intravenous fluids are infusing at 125 mL/hr, urinary catheter has drained 170 mL since surgery, and the client reports pain as a 3 out of 10. Which of the following should the nurse include? Select all that apply. A woman comes to her health care provider's office with signs and symptoms of kidney stones. A client with chronic kidney disease (CKD) has a blood urea nitrogen (BUN) of 100 mg/dL, serum creatinine of 6.5 mg/dL, potassium of 6.1 mEq/L, and lethargy. Which of the following instructions would the nurse give the client? The nurse is educating a patient with urolithiasis about preventative measures to avoid another occurrence. "It is important to observe the color and odor of my urine.". Exercises to promote sphincter control are appropriate for an ureterosigmoidoscopy. The nurse knows that, during this process, straight catheterization, after catheter-free intervals, can be discontinued when residual urine is: The nurse, in assessing a patient's newly created stoma, observes that the stoma color is now dark purple. What should the nurse do first? The nursing assistant places the drainage bag on the client's abdomen for transport. Implementing a 2- to 3-hour voiding schedule. When a client with an indwelling urinary catheter wants to walk to the hospital lobby to visit with family members, the nurse teaches him how to do this without compromising the catheter. A client has nephrotic syndrome. Which diagnostic test would the nurse anticipate as being used to confirm the diagnosis? "You need to wear your appliance all the time.". During rounds, a client admitted with gross hematuria asks the nurse about the physician's diagnosis. A client with diabetes mellitus has had declining renal function over the past several years. The nurse is planning care for a client with stress incontinence. Which statements by a female client would indicate that she is at high risk for a recurrence of cystitis? A client comes to the emergency department complaining of severe pain in the right flank, nausea, and vomiting. The nurse is teaching an older adult with a urinary tract infection about the importance of increasing fluids in the diet. The nurse is evaluating the effectiveness of discharge teaching for a client with an oxalate urinary stone. The client is six hours post-open hysterectomy. A client had a percutaneous nephrolithotomy to remove a kidney stone. What puts this client at a risk for not obtaining sufficient fluids? A coworker asks the nurse about how the client is doing. What should the nurse tell the client causes cystitis? The nurse is assisting in the transport of a client with an indwelling catheter to the diagnostic studies unit. You are asking Ms. Simpson about symptoms that she has had that brought her to the clinic. a low-protein diet with a prescribed amount of water. The nurse is observing an unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) give care to a client after gynecologic surgery. The nurse is aware that the pathophysiology of this condition is primarily due to which of the following occurrences? A female patient visits her primary health care provider with a complaint of frequency of urination and incontinence when she sneezes. The nurse should intervene if the UAP: A nurse is providing postprocedure care for a client who underwent percutaneous lithotripsy. A group of students are reviewing information about disorders of the bladder and urethra. The nurse is obtaining a health history from a client describing urinary complications. Which of the following factors should the nurse assess before beginning a bladder training program for the patient? I.V. Which statement by the client indicates the client understands the prescribed diet? Which action by the nurse would be the most effective to address this question? In gathering information for the client, which urinary diversion would the nurse select? The client is being discharged with drainage tubes from the kidney. Decrease the number of incontinence episodes. A client admitted with a gunshot wound to the abdomen is transferred to the intensive care unit after an exploratory laparotomy. The nurse observes a client's uric acid level of 9.3 mg/dL. Which statement indicates that the client has understood the instructions contained in the pamphlet? The nurse is caring for a client who is scheduled for the creation of an ileal conduit. A client is frustrated and embarrassed by urinary incontinence. A client with acute renal failure is undergoing dialysis for the first time. Which nursing intervention is the most important? Which statement by the client indicates a need for further teaching? Which steps should a nurse follow to insert a straight urinary catheter? A client is suspected of having interstitial cystitis. The nurse is reviewing the procedure with them and realizes that further instruction is needed when the client makes which statement? Make sure the urinal is within the client's reach. Which of the following body structures would the nurse instruct as the most frequent cause of women's urinary tract infections? Which disorder is anticipated? Which of the following is the most common symptom of bladder cancer? What question should the nurse ask to obtain additional information about the client's complaint? Examination of a client's bladder stones reveal that they are primarily composed of uric acid. The nurse is teaching a patient how to perform self-catheterization. The nurse working with a patient after an ileal conduit notices that the pouching system is leaking small amounts of urine. After the physician diagnoses poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis, the client is admitted to the medical-surgical unit. The nurse should instruct the client to: notify the physician about cloudy or foul-smelling urine. The nurse identifies a nursing diagnosis of a. anxiety related to effects of procedure on lifestyle. What should the nurse do to provide safe care of the ureteral catheter? "This medication will relieve your pain.". The client is being treated with gentamicin. Report the finding to the healthcare provider. The nurse is educating a female patient with a UTI on the pharmacologic regimen for treatment. The nurse is conducting a community education program on urinary incontinence. "I should limit my intake of meat and fish.". A nurse is teaching a female client with a history of multiple urinary tract infections (UTIs). Which assessment finding is most suggestive of a malignant tumor of the bladder? Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) 100 mg/dl and serum creatinine 6.5 mg/dl. The nurse should expect hypertonic glucose, insulin infusions, and sodium bicarbonate to be used to treat: A client has a ureteral catheter in place after renal surgery. A 32-year-old client has a history of neurogenic bladder and presents with fever, burning, and suprapubic pain. The nurse overhears the physician instructing the client on the presence of a stoma with temporary pouch. A client comes to the emergency department reporting a sudden onset of sharp, severe, radiating pain in the lumbar and left flank regions. The nurse is teaching the client how to recognize infection in the shunt. Which of the following is a factor contributing to UTI in older adults? What goal is realistic for the nurse to establish with the client? She reports the need to urinate and cannot do so. Which action, made by the nursing assistant, would require instruction? What is a priority nursing intervention in a client with this disorder? The primary nurse educates the client about surgery and the postoperative period. A mental health practitioner should be involved in the client's care to: help the client cope with the anxiety associated with changes in body image. What is the priority nursing assessment? What should the nurse do next? The nurse is participating in a bladder retraining program for a patient who had an indwelling catheter for 2 weeks. A 64-year-old man is seeing his urologist for an annual check-up, post prostatectomy. Which factor should be checked when evaluating the effectiveness of an alpha-adrenergic blocker given to a client with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)? The appropriate nursing intervention is to do which of the following? Intermittent catheterizations and irrigations are appropriate for a continent urinary diverse such as a Kock or Indiana pouch. Which client statement indicates effective teaching? Which of the following would the nurse include in the presentation? Which laboratory data warrants immediate intervention by the nurse? A client has urge incontinence. Which of the following should the nurse include in the assessment before beginning a bladder training program? Which actions should the nurse delegate to an experienced unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP)? The client also reports nausea and vomiting and appears pale, diaphoretic, and anxious. The nurse informs the client that many members of the health care team (including a mental health practitioner) will see him. What would you suspect is the problem? She has just undergone an appendectomy. Which of the following would be included in a teaching plan for a patient diagnosed with a urinary tract infection? "Drink at least eight 8-oz (240 mL) glasses of fluid daily. "I can go 8 to 10 hours without emptying my bladder.". A client with a history of renal calculi formation is being discharged after surgery to remove the calculus. "My urine will be eliminated through a stoma.". The nurse suspects which of the following? These tumors occur more frequently in men than women and usually affect clients 50 years of age and older. To facilitate effective communication, what should the nurse do? Which nursing diagnosis is appropriate for the client with a new ileal conduit? • "I'm so glad I don't have to make any changes in my diet.". Ileal conduit is a surgical technique that uses an excised piece of the client's ileum to create … monitoring laboratory values, especially WBCs. What action by the new graduate indicates the need for further teaching about handling the client's soiled linens? A 39-year-old multigravid client asks the nurse for information about female sterilization with a tubal ligation. Pass the NCLEX®-RN/LPN exam with our comprehensive nursing review classes online. Which of the following medications may be ordered to relieve discomfort associated with a UTI? "I'll have to wear an external collection pouch for the rest of my life.". James Roth, a 63-year-old accountant, is a client on the hospital unit where you practice nursing. Which of the following terms is used to refer to inflammation of the renal pelvis? Based on these findings, which of the following should the nurse administer? The nurse auscultates bilateral crackles and observes jugular vein distention. The nurse should give the client these drugs when he demonstrates signs of which symptom? Select all that apply. What is the nurse's priority concern? A mental health practitioner should be involved in the client's care to: Which of the following directions should the nurse include? A client with chronic renal failure receives hemodialysis treatments through a mature arteriovenous (AV) fistula. A nurse is reviewing the history and physical examination of a client with a suspected malignant tumor of the bladder. A mental health practitioner should be involved in the client's care to: help the client cope with the anxiety associated with changes in body image. "I should take at least 1,000 mg of vitamin C each day.". "Your health care provider will take a urine culture.". what she can eat and drink before admission. Urinary incontinence has many causes and can often be improved with intervention. The nurse determines that the client may experience which complication? The nurse is giving discharge instructions to the client with uric acid renal calculi. A male patient, who is 82 years of age, suffers from urinary incontinence. Which statement by the client provides evidence that client teaching was effective? What should the nurse do next? The nurse understands that this drug is an effective treatment because it: An ileal conduit is created for a client after a radical cystectomy. Which finding is an early indicator of bladder cancer? Arrange for a person with an ostomy to visit the client preoperatively. The client should wear a condom during anal intercourse. Which of the following is a characteristic of a normal stoma? Need to urinate after engaging in sexual intercourse. Behavioral interventions for urinary incontinence can be coordinated by a nurse. Determine if the prostatic palpation was done before or after the blood sample was drawn.

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