cityscoot service client

cityscoot service client

Romain a 7 postes sur son profil. 11.1 Process applicable in the event of a violation of the Highway Code. 18.4 Amendment of Article 7.2 of the GCUS. Inscrivez-vous. Pour contacter Cityscoot, le 1er service de location de scooter électrique en libre-service à Paris et à Nice, merci de remplir le formulaire de contact ci-dessous. He is also prohibited from smoking, drinking and eating or from using his phone once on the Scooter. Insurance deductibles in the event of a claim; these are listed in APPENDIX 3. 18.2 Non-application of Article 5 of the GCUS to Uber Users. A deductible of 15% applies only to the damage item “Permanent damage to physical and mental integrity”, the other damage items are therefore compensated with no deductible. If one or more of the User’s rentals made during the current month are refunded in full or in part, the Loyalty Program will deduct from the number of minutes recorded the minutes refunded or recredited, resulting in a potential change in the User’s loyalty status. As such, the User is invited to choose a password different from that used for other accounts or services and to change the password regularly (once or twice a year) in order to guarantee optimal security and protect himself against any risk of fraud. Et revendique déjà 100 000 utilisateurs. La PME s’est lancée en Italie depuis fin 2018 et a levé 40 millions d’euros lors de son dernier tour de table. In the event of a physical accident, the User must first contact the emergency services (ambulance, fire brigade) as well as the police services. refers to this document, the terms of which must have been accepted by the User in order to use the Service. Battery failure due to the negligence of the User and resulting in the intervention of CITYSCOOT or a CITYSCOOT authorised breakdown service. CITYSCOOT. whatever the nature of the accident, provided that he is not the victim of a physical accident preventing him from fulfilling this obligation. In addition, the User must take care of the Scooter, ensure that it is safe and parked in a safe place authorised for parking motorised two-wheel vehicles when not in use, and to use any mandatory safety element provided with the Scooter. The balance of prepaid or free minutes, if positive, as well as any other benefit acquired by the User under the CITYSCOOT Loyalty Programme, will be definitively lost by the User and will under no circumstances be refunded. CITYSCOOT cannot be held responsible for extended invoicing in the event of incorrect return of the Scooter. In the event of a malfunction of the Loyalty Program, CITYSCOOT will nevertheless make its best efforts to extend, for a period equivalent to that of the malfunction, the benefit of the accumulation of minutes and the advantages acquired by the User. Une qualité de la data. Non-payment of sums due to CITYSCOOT by the User. He is solely responsible for their confidentiality and security. This assessment will be made on the basis of the price of spare parts defined here. Transmission of radio signals affected by constraints or limitations of technical standards imposed on radiotelephony operators by regulatory authorities or competent standard groupings. and minutes refunded or recredited after a rental. Non-compliance by the User with the assistance procedure defined in 7.5 Damage not declared by the User. Users wishing to access the Service in another country are invited to consult the GCUS of the country concerned on the Website, and to accept them in the Application. - Conseiller ADV traitement des réclamations via le site web. The User agrees that the invoice statement and the adhesion to the GCUS are established and proven in particular on the basis of the Application and CITYSCOOT systems. + Management fees of €100 covering the procedures with the insurer and the firm mandated for the appraisal will be invoiced to the User. Adjust the Helmet to his size and put it on. CITYSCOOT’s liability is limited to certain, direct and foreseeable damage. Nous avons confié la refonte de notre application mobile multiplateforme à Dernier Cri en React Native. due to unauthorised parking. Surveiller cette entreprise. Dès lors que nous avons connaissance par les administrations concernées qu’une contravention a été émise suite à votre location, vous recevez une notification par email de notre part. 11/07 2e édition de l'étude sur la digitalisation au service de l’expérience client dans le secteur de l'assurance ; 15/06 Allianz France couvre la location de scooters électriques en libre accès avec Cityscoot ; 22/06 Société Générale et La Banque Postale élargissent les … Lancé en juin 2016, le service de location de scooters électriques sur Paris Cityscoot rencontre un succès mérité. The amounts of the penalties below, with the exception of tickets, are all inclusive of VAT. Un paiement sécurisé; Une vraie expertise. Is travelling in a place not regulated by the Highway Code. Depuis le départ, Allianz et Cityscoot ont travaillé main dans la main pour proposer la meilleure couverture d’assurance à ses utilisateurs. INDIGO ® weel : L’application des services de mobilité partagés et propres. regardless of the nature of the breakdown. In addition to the Rental consumed until the Scooter is actually recovered by CITYSCOOT or by a breakdown service authorised by CITYSCOOT (carried out within a maximum period of 48 hours), the User will be charged the cost of repatriating the Scooter within the CITYSCOOT Zone (or to the workshop) established according to the location of the Scooter: – In neighbouring cities not included in the zone: €100, Return of the Scooter in a private area not accessible to the public. L’activité en tant que telle ne peut s’étendre que moyennant des investissements conséquents, explique la Directrice financière, Marianne … In the event of an accident, malfunction of the Service, or technical incident. Le service client Cityscoot est joignable 24h/24 par téléphone ou via l’appli; Chaque trajet est couvert par une assurance tout-risque souscrite auprès d’Allianz France . Make sure that he has parked the Scooter in an authorised place. For the transport of objects or substances (flammable, corrosive, toxic, explosive, ionizing or oxidizing substances, etc.) During the Rental, the User benefits, subject to the cases of exclusion referred to in this article, from the insurance taken out by CITYSCOOT covering civil liability, individual driver’s guarantee, fire, theft or attempted theft of the Scooter, vandalism, as well as damage and assistance to the Scooter. The “minute packs” are subject to a period of validity as indicated to the User at the time of the purchase. LegalStart : Développer une version BtoB de son produit pour attaquer un nouveau marché, Charles : Découvrez comment nous avons développé une platforme de télémédecine pour lancer une startup à succès, Pourquoi nous migrons de Heroku vers Scalingo. Partager sur Facebook Partager sur Twitter Envoyer par e-mail Plus d'options de partage. Set the red button to the right of the handlebar to “ON”. Cityscoot est une entreprise française proposant des scooters électriques en libre-service. 7.4.6 Scooter return and end of Rental procedure. Ses concepteurs espèrent pouvoir rapidement mettre en circulation une flotte de 1000 scooters. Cityscoot, pionnier de la location de scooters électriques, vous permet de circuler en toute liberté à Paris, sans bruit et sans polluer ! 18.5 Amendment of Articles 8.2, 8.3, 8.4 and 8.5 of the GCUS. En janvier, Cityscoot est partie à la conquête du marché italien. The purpose of these GCUS is to define the terms and conditions for access to and use of the Service. In the event of loss or theft of his password, it is the User’s responsibility to change it immediately, so that his account remains both secure and functional. If the User does not comply with this commitment, the penalties provided for in APPENDIX 2 of these GCUS shall apply. Le Service CITYSCOOT n’est accessible que via l’Application. Stand the Scooter in an authorised location. The Customer Service will advise the User of the procedure to follow depending on the diagnosis made. Its purpose is to allow Users to accumulate free minutes according to their status. Un service client à votre écoute; Contactez-nous : 01 43 34 34 34 Parler à l’équipe. Le service de scooters électriques en libre-service veut disposer d'un parc de 5.000 véhicules fin 2018. On the road or on road adapted to Scooters. It is recalled that Users holding a driving licence issued by a country outside the European Union, and which is not in French, are required to provide an official translation into French of their driving licence and international licence if the latter is required to enable the User to use a Scooter in France. 7.5.3 End of the Rental in the event of an accident. Any access to and use of the Service is subject to compliance with the GCUS by the User. Des solutions managées. He may at any time review the GCUS in force on the Website and/or on the Application. Uber Users are invited to read the billing and payment terms and conditions detailed in Uber’s general terms and conditions. To tow or push any vehicle, trailer or other object. Exceptional closure of the Service by decision of a competent authority or for any reason specific to CITYSCOOT. any use prohibited by Article 9.2 of these GCUS. Ce choix audacieux en 2017 s’est avéré particulièrement pertinent. If the mediation procedure does not result in an amicable agreement between the parties, the dispute arising from the Registration for the CITYSCOOT Service or its use will be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the French courts. If the User has not unlocked the Scooter during the 10-minute Booking period, his Booking is automatically cancelled. These GCUS (including applicable rates and penalties) may be updated at CITYSCOOT’s discretion. The User, as the driver of the Scooter, has a driver’s coverage. refers to the  self-service short-term Scooter rental service offered by CITYSCOOT or by any company controlled by CITYSCOOT within the meaning of Article L. 233-3 of the French Commercial Code. These documents may not be suspended, cancelled, withdrawn or expired at the time of Registration and each Scooter Rental. En France (Paris et Nice), le service reste disponible mais uniquement pour les motifs autorisés par décret. Cityscoot est une start-up Transports / CityTech qui a réalisé 1 levée de fonds. Failure, accident or automatic detection of an impact of the Scooter concerned. CITYSCOOT may, at its sole discretion, propose promotional offers that are subject to these GCUS unless otherwise specified in the specific conditions of the offer. - Traitement des appels d'urgence (assistance). Interruption of services accessible on the Internet network. Make every effort to limit the discomfort or potential danger caused by the damaged Scooter to other road users and/or vehicles. Ticket for Parking, Bad Driving, Speeding, Non-compliance with the Highway Code. Développer une application élégante, performante et sécurisée, compatible iOS et Android destinée à être utilisée quotidiennement par des centaines de milliers de personne à travers le monde. L'opposé des codes de la maladie : alité, immobile. Créer une alerte . Dernières actualités Uber . Faire porter le chapeau aux utilisateurs est d'une mauvaise foi pitoyable. Depuis, nous avons avec mis en place avec Dernier Cri de nombreux projets dans des domaines tels que des projets web, design et ux. 1 Étude de la cible . If any items are missing, he must immediately notify the Customer Service by calling the assistance number. The cost of insurance is included in Rental price. D'ici à quelques semaines, les utilisateurs pourront localiser via … The Rental starts as soon as the Booking Code is entered on the Scooter and ends at the User’s initiative (via the END button on the Scooter keyboard or via the Application (if it allows for this), once the Scooter is locked and the “Free” LED on the Scooter is lit) subject to compliance with the Scooter return procedure referred to in Article 7.4.6 or at the initiative of CITYSCOOT in the cases provided for in Article 7.4.8. means the CITYSCOOT Loyalty Program referred to in Article 14.2. refers to the temporary stopping of the Scooter during a Rental Period. In addition, at the time of Registration, Booking or Rental, the User accepts that the Customer Service and/or the use of the Service may be disrupted or temporarily rendered inoperative and that CITYSCOOT may not be held liable in the following cases in particular: CITYSCOOT reserves the right to interrupt the Service in whole or in part, without notice and for a fixed or indefinite period, in particular in the event of an exceptional event such as material damage, a technical breakdown, a safety problem, a demonstration on the public highway, a change in traffic rules or adverse weather conditions, without notice and without any compensation being due to the User. Close the seat and check that it is locked. Deductible Permanent damage to physical and mental integrity of 15%. The assistance procedure must be initiated by the User in the event of a physical and/or material accident, breakdown or puncture by calling the Customer Service on. In order to unlock the Scooter he has booked, the User must enter the Booking Code he received via the Application on the numerical keypad integrated into the Scooter. The User must contact the CITYSCOOT Customer Service by telephone on 09 69 36 20 26 whatever the nature of the accident, provided that he is not the victim of a physical accident preventing him from fulfilling this obligation. To transport animals or load heavy packages or move. In the event of non-compliance with the User’s obligations under these GCUS, whether by the User or by persons under his responsibility (potential passenger), the User shall be required to compensate CITYSCOOT for any liability and for any loss, damages and/or expenses that CITYSCOOT may have to bear as a result of the User’s failure, in particular if the User’s failures result in the exclusion of the insurance coverage subscribed by CITYSCOOT (without prejudice to the application of any additional penalties provided for in Appendix 2). Les Cityscoot sont des 50 cm³ dotés d'une batterie électrique de 3 kWh pour une vitesse maximale de 45 km/h. CITYSCOOT is an electric mobility service offered by CITYSCOOT, a simplified joint-stock company with a share capital of Euros 121 002,10, registered with the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 800 862 021, whose registered office is located at 8 rue Bayen, 75017 Paris. During the suspension of access to the Service, the User nevertheless remains liable for the payment of his unpaid invoices. INDIGO® weel est un système de location de vélos et de scooters électriques en libre-service, disponibles dans la rue. If he is in violation of any obligation mentioned in the GCUS. The User’s Rental and invoicing shall cease as from the implementation of the assistance procedure as described in Articles 7.5.1 and 7.5.2. Or refused to submit to checks to prove these facts. The provision of the Service and the execution of these GCUS constitute only a best-efforts obligation for CITYSCOOT. En France. Le 1er service de location de scooter électrique en libre-service. “), in accordance with Uber’s General Terms and Conditions and these GCUS. Nous nous inscrivons dans la tendance actuelle qui fait primer l’usage sur la propriété. By entering his credit card references when registering or as part of any update of his banking information in his Personal Space, the User grants CITYSCOOT an authorisation to debit his credit card for all amounts due by the User in accordance with these GCUS (and in particular, without this list being exhaustive, rental fees, penalties, deductible in the event of an accident or theft without third party liability, etc.). Actuellement, l’entreprise propose ses services en France ( avec 4000 scooters à Paris et quelques villes limitrophes, et à Nice) et en Italie (500 actuellement à Milan et 500 à Rome cet été). Cityscoot se démarque des concurrents par la grande réactivité et l’attention bienveillante de son service client, toujours à l’écoute des soucis de l’utilisateur. Cityscoot, l'opérateur de scooters électriques en libre-service, lève 40 millions d'euros pour financer son installation dans plusieurs villes européennes. Cityscoot : plus de 1500 scooters en libre-service ! The provisions of Article 7.1 of the GCUS do not apply to Uber Users. The Client undertakes to inform Cityscoot’s Customer Service as soon as possible on. ) Vous n'avez pas encore de compte ? In this case, the User shall inform the Customer Service of his decision to withdraw by returning the withdrawal form (here) before the expiry of the above-mentioned deadline, or send any statement clearly expressing his willingness to withdraw, to [email protected]. Examples of damage that the User must report to the Customer Service: In such circumstances, the User undertakes not to use the damaged Scooter. Acheter la fiche complète . In the event of non-payment or payment incident, CITYSCOOT reserves the right to deduct unpaid minutes from the amount of minutes accumulated by the User and to adjust his loyalty status accordingly. Is not of the age required by these GCUS to carry out a Registration or does not have the valid certificates or permits required by the regulations in force for driving a Scooter. La lutte fait désormais rage à Paris entre les deux services de location de scooters électriques CityScoot (implanté depuis 2016) et Coup (nouveau … Découvrez comment nous avons développé une nouvelle application mobile pour l’un des leaders européens du scooter en libre service. Set the red button on the right side of the handlebar to “OFF”. Ils n’hésitent pas à rembourser du crédit temps quand on signale un problème pour compenser la gêne occasionnée. Tél : +33 9 69 36 20 … Partager cette publication. Chez Cityscoot, la location commence dès l’instant où vous mettez le scooter en marche. Cityscoot : Développer une application mobile cross plateform pour accompagner une croissance ambitieuse et une série B. Sybel : Découvrez comment nous avons transformé une idée ambitieuse en un produit attractif et ultra ergonomique pour tous les publics. Présentation du client Cityscoot est une startup spécialisée dans la mise à disposition d’une flotte de scooters électriques et en libre service qui n’est plus à présenter en région parisienne. Damage without third party liability or theft of the Scooter  Stay close to the Scooter until it is taken care of by the emergency services. In violation of the Highway Code or other regulations. Only the price communicated to the User at the time of repair is valid. This provision is not exclusive of any other recourse that CITYSCOOT may have against passengers or third parties in respect of their respective liability. In that context, promotional rates do not apply. in accordance with the rules usually adopted by French courts and tribunals in respect of compensation for victims of road accidents, regardless of the location of the accident, up to a maximum of 250,000 Euros. Any free minutes not used during the following month are lost. Alan⎪ La mutuelle communique sur le parallèle entre la santé et le mouvement, le dynamisme, l'action. Leurs robes bleues se distinguent désormais nettement dans les artères parisiennes. Geolocation failure due to degradation of the GSM/GPRS/3G4G signal or GPS signal, due in particular to cloud cover or canopy. Cityscoot reste donc seul en lice pour ce qui concerne les scooters deux-roues électriques en libre accès. Ci-dessous figurent les informations utiles vous permettant de joindre le service client CITYSCOOT par téléphone depuis la France mais également, si CITYSCOOT le permet, depuis l’étranger.Attention de bien vérifier les horaires d’ouverture du service client CITYSCOOT avant votre appel. Computer virus transmitted over the Internet network. Any use of the promotional code other than that provided by CITYSCOOT is prohibited. Sélectionnez le menu déroulant de votre pays pour obtenir le numéro de téléphone et les heures d’ouverture du Service Center correspondant. Cityscoot, ou comment Paris se convertit au partage de scooter électrique Une nouvelle offre de scooters en libre-service est lancée ce mardi dans la capitale. The Scooter may only drive on lanes authorised for L1e category vehicles, in accordance with the Highway Code.

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