the elements of music in the blues

the elements of music in the blues

Major Elements of Blues Music Melody and Harmony. Blues is a musical genre that stems from African-American traditional songs and work songs. Lyrics. So, if the musical piece starts in the A chord, next chords will be fourth ‘D’ and fifth ‘E’ chords. The third line, is the response to the first two lines. Meanwhile, the blues is also a brusque dance music celebrating happiness and success. This pre-blues music was adapted from the field shouts and hollers performed during slave times, expanded into "simple solo songs laden with emotional content". . This response to oppression is also expressed in the heartfelt vocals of the singers. At the same time, rock music was becoming increasingly popular and many younger jazz musicians, having been raised with the music, began incorporating elements of rock into their jazz performances. It emerged in African-American communities of the United States … The theme of blues music might be stated as the human response to oppression. Rhythm & Blues (abbreviated R&B) is a term used to describe the blues-influenced form of music which has been predominantly performed by African-Americans since the late 1930s.The term 'Rhythm and Blues' was first introduced into the American lexicon in the late 1940s: the name's origin was created for use as a musical marketing term by Billboard magazine. Below … "Feeling blue" is expressed in songs whose lyrics speak of injustice or expressing a longing for a better life. American music in the first two decades of the twentieth century, whether the popular music of Tin Pan Alley or the religious music of the mainline black churches, gravitated towards a sixteen-bar verse format, with popular music often adding a sixteen-bar bridge. The blues scale superimposes a minor pentatonic scale over a major key, with the addition of a very important note: the raised fourth, or sharp eleventh. A 12-bar structure is generally made up of three chords, of which the main notes are based on the first, fourth and fifth notes of an eight-note scale. #2 Classical. This music developed in the 1930s and combined elements from a variety of music like Celtic music, traditional folk music, blues, gospel music and old time music. A monophonic texture has a single line of melody without any harmony or any other form of accompaniment. A 12-bar structure is generally made up of three chords, of which the main notes are based on the first, fourth and fifth notes of an eight-note scale. The piano is a powerful instrument that can easily handle each of the major components of a song – bass, rhythm, harmony, and melody – while also making the perfect accompaniment instrument. The evolution of the Blues formed many different styles often named by the area where it was created, like Delta Blues, Chicago Blues or Texas Blues. When reggae emerged in the late 1960s, it came as a cultural bombshell not only to Jamaica but the whole world. The pitch of a note refers to its highness or lowness on the musical scale; the melody of a song is the manner in which notes of varying pitches are put together in sequence. The use of melisma and a wavy, nasal intonation also suggests a connection between the music of West and Central Africa and the blues. 4 (Winter 1995): 453. Just like the melody, harmony, and rhythm; lyrics are also to be placed in blues music in a different manner. Blues is not Blues. In many ways, it developed and grew out of the "funk" sound and disco in the 1970s. The rise of rhythm and blues in the 1950s was directly influenced by early gospel music and urban blues, particularly a style of music popularized by Louis Jordan (1908-1979) called "jump blues. The use of melisma and a wavy, nasal intonation also suggests a connection between the music of West and Central Africa … The blues is a genre of music with roots in African American culture that covers a wide range of emotions and incorporates elements from other musical styles. Start studying Elements of Music Exam 1. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. For example, the first chord will be played for 16 beats, eight beats for the fourth chord, and eight beats for the first chord again. However, in blues, it is the voice that compels its listeners to listen. Its simple and easily learned elements are a platform for collaboration and improvisation while serving as a gateway to rock and jazz music, connecting these to the field hollers … After learning about the elements in this tour, you will see how all 6 elements of music fit within the architectural design of music. Instruments: A World View . ‘The Weary Blues’ describes the performance of a blues musician playing in a club on Lenox Avenue in Harlem. Rhythm. The original blues music evolved and grew into jazz from the 1920s. The structure of blues music is still heard today in lots of different genres of music. The 12-bar blues sequence is the most used chord progression in blues music. The sequence orientates around the tonic, subdominant and dominant chords of the key signature. Bibliography [1] Palmer, “Beginnings,” chap. They assimilated local music styles, changed the instrumentation, the chords and chord sequence, added special notes or modified scales. Students analyse the essential musical elements of a blues song and use this information to make informed opinions about a blues performance. Blues and Jazz became very popular forms of music. Chapter 1: Elements of Sound and Music 3. Elements of Music: Rhythm, Meter, Pitch, Melody, Texture, Tone Color, Form . Nowadays, as this music has become so innovative, many other instruments have been added as a standard. [3] Elijah Wald, Escaping the Delta: Robert Johnson and the Invention of the Blues (New York: Harper Collins, 2004), 73; Yurchenco, “Blues Fallin’ Down Like Hail,” 449. Like blues music, country music emerged from folk songs of the Southern USA in the early 1920s. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Blues remained a music of the people, with its simple form allowing players of modest ability to participate. Banjo and piano were the early instruments in this music type. As these songs were sung during work they were often unaccompanied and completely original in their content. In Blues music, drums are used not only to keep time, but also to help provide a feeling of tension in a song. With the traditional African elements mixed with the European harmonic structure and instruments a whole new form of music was born. Michelle Gordon has been writing professionally since 2004. Had a rough but loud vocal, Discovered during the Chicago blues era of the 1950's.. 15 time Grammy Award guitarist and singer. A common blues rhythm that uses this emphasised backbeat is a "shuffle beat." 1: Rhythm . Rock and roll (often written as rock & roll or rock 'n' roll) is a genre of popular music that originated and evolved in the United States during the late 1940s and early 1950s from musical styles such as gospel, jump blues, jazz, boogie woogie, and rhythm and blues, along with country music. The lyrical form of blues started with having a single lyric line repeat three times. Blues music also makes use of slightly flatted notes, also known as "blue notes." The transitions between the styles are … Continue reading "Blues Styles" Swing was hugely popular – in fact, it was the pop music of the 1930’s. The blues is a foundational element of America’s vernacular and art music. 1926) and Little Richard (b. Proto-jazz styles of ragtime and Dixieland strayed from both the 12-bar structure and call-and-response lyrics of the blues, giving a more complex and sophisticated cachet to the music. Metre and rhythm. The instruments, particularly the guitar and bass, have a strong influence on not only the music, but also the audience. a. count along with each bar. Using various instruments is the chief reason why there are many branches in blues music found today. When it comes to things with long and complex histories (like music), we tend to forget just how strongly the present has been influenced by the past. In 1948, RCA Victor was marketing black music under the name Blues and Rhythm . 11 This is then followed by two on the root, one bar on the 5th, one bar on the 4th and another two on the root. The components of blues music are a base for the introduction of many other sub-genres of this music. The narrator talks about his despair with his situation and his longing for freedom. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. It was called secular vs non-secular music. In Folsom Prison Blues an unknown narrator, a prisoner jailed for murder, details the emotions stirred up upon hearing a train in the distance, outside the walls of the prison. B2.2 Describe how the elements of music are used. The key elements of Jazz include: blues, syncopation, swing and creative freedom. Blues is a vocal and instrumental form of music that is based on the 12-bar blues chord progression and the blues scale. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. During this time, jazz music began to take on a big band style, combining elements of ragtime, black spirituals, blues, and European music. A common feature of Blues music is the 12 bar blues chord structure. Copyright 2021 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. Music has eight elements that composers and performers manipulate to create pieces that stir hearts and minds. Some of the traditional African elements are the call and response, syncopation, timbre, and my favorite the … The first two lines are more or less the same, followed by the third. Zeppelin, blues music has, in some way or another, worked its way into the musical style that has shaped the success of these popular performers and many others. Guitar, harmonica and piano are some of the other primary instruments used in this genre. So, the lyrical structure becomes in the AAB pattern. The Blues expressed this with unprecedented clarity, honesty and simplicity. Country Blues instruments include the guitar and harmonica. Blues songs usually have a 12-bar structure, which is separated into three segments of four bars. Indeed, by the end of the 1960s, it participated in the birth of the skinhead movement in the UK. It was the most popular form of R&B with globally recognized artists such as Mariah Carey, Beyonce, Mary J Blues and jazz are closely related; such seminal jazzmen as Jelly Roll Morton and Louis Armstrong employed blues elements in their music. Would you like to write for us? Notable musicians: Mississippi John Hurt, John Hammond, Skip James, and … Blues songs are also usually played in a 4/4 time signature, with four beats in a measure and each crotchet equalling one beat. There were different band line ups for each type of jazz genre. The elements—rhythm, dynamics, melody, harmony, tone color, texture, form and text—form the "language of music" and influence our interpretations of what we hear. Texture is one of the basic elements of music. The blues, which has its roots in the African American spiritual, plays a major role in most popular music forms including gospel, jazz, rock and roll, and of course, rhythm and blues. Its influences can even be found in folk, pop, and rap music. Over time, this turned into the standard format of having a single line repeat once, and then be followed by another single line. Many of these blues elements, such as the call-and-response format, can be traced back to the music of Africa. development in music recording. The 12-Bar Blues form is called that because it has a chord progression that takes place over 12 bars, … While the words carry mean the voice communicates the emotions, similarly to how when one read something in their head and when one says something out … Here’s How to Start Collecting. This shuffle beat works by using a "pre" beat before each beat in a four count. It often focuses on pop beats and culture rather than the blues, gospel and jazz sounds of previous generations, though those elements may still be present. The most popular sub-genre is blues-rock, which is a blend of blues and rock elements. Jazz itself arose from some combination of blues, ragtime, minstrel dance songs, marching bands and classical music. Jazz music symbolizes different things to different characters in this story. One of the best-recognised instruments in blues music is the harmonica. It also considers the features of Blues music, including rhythms and tones, lyrics and art of performance and its capacity to build identity and a sense of community, and the capacity of these features to inspire social movements. Most early blues songs were in major keys featuring mostly major and dominant chords. Harmony and tonality. This characterization is inaccurate. 9. Music was a solace, a community-builder, and voice for hope during enslavement and afterward, in the days of Reconstruction and then Jim Crow. The reason each style sounds different is each style combines the basic musical elements in a different way. The Elements of Classical Music For the most part it can be distinguished by the type of instruments in the musical piece. To allow students to identify elements of both the Delta blues and Chicago blues in Waters' music, show the clip of him singing "Hoochie Coochie Man" in Godfathers and Sons. Rock Piano. As the blues developed and evolved into jazz, many of the musicians wanted to push the rules. blues and jazz. Blues is not Blues. Commercially released race records fixed and simplified the forms and conventions and allowed the spread of blues north, beyond its roots in the Southern states. Harmonically, blues songs use the I, IV, V chords in a given scale. For example, a song in the key of A would use A, D and E chords -- the first, fourth and fifth notes of the A scale. The use of blue notes and the prominence of call-and-response patterns in the music and lyrics are indicative of African influence. 41, I have learnt that classical music uses short thematic ideas, which are repeated throughout the piece. Blues music also makes use of slightly (In everyday language this is the “groove”). Taking the example of E-A-B combination, the 12 bars can be divided in E/E/E/E/A/A/E/E/B7/A/E/E pattern. The elements of music in R&B, hip hop, and rock and roll genres are also related to blues music. The harmony of blues music mainly focuses on the first, fourth and fifth chords of a combination. It is a forerunner to other genres like Jazz, Rock and Roll, and Rhythm & Blues. Return of Opening Theme and the Blues March. Jazz with its urban origins incorporated elements of European music in both orchestration and theme. In Blues music, drums are used not only to keep time, but also to help provide a feeling of tension in a song. Many of the heavy metal music is based on the roots of blues. The music of the big bands, while primarily designed for dancing, incorporated the most important elements of jazz: improvisation and syncopation. When you describe the texture of a piece of music, you are describing how much is going on in the music at any given moment. Up to that time, the blues had been an essentially black medium. Explore the elements, styles, and history of American jazz music … The piece mimics the tone and form of Blues music and uses free verse and closely resembles spoken English. However, in the early 1900s, guitar and piano were added. Context for assessment. It is commonly described as a combination of African rhythms and European harmonies. He associates it with a certain "element" of people, people he doesn't want his brother hanging out with. It was mostly performed by Big Bands, which were large orchestras divided into trumpets, saxophones, trombones, and a rhythm section (which consisted of the drums, bass, guitar and piano). 1. Blues songs are also usually played in a 4/4 time signature, with four beats in a measure and each crotchet equalling one beat. Free printable Music crossword puzzles. Stevie Wonder and … These were large bands, producing lively dance music. Overview Improvisation is the composition of music in real time. Hence, it contained elements (and instruments) from various countries such as Ireland, Italy, Germany, and numerous … The vocals possess a loud, moaning sound that can be traced back to the blues and even gospel singing. Blues is undoubtedly the most popular music genre which has undergone many changes in its characteristics since its inception. This is most obvious in the lyrics, which speak of the suffering and pain caused by events outside of the singer’s control. 1932) transformed urban blues and into what became known as rock 'n' roll, perhaps the most popular musical style ever invented. The definition of monophonic music is taken from the Greek (mono-phonic), literally meaning “one sound”. Would you like to write for us? Here is a quick run through of the main musical elements (you will come across variations of this, but these are the crucial ones): Pitch – how high or low a note sounds Rhythm – the pattern of regular or irregular pulses caused in music by the occurrence of strong and weak beats. It presents music making of the highest order, and it has influenced — and continues to influence — jazz to this day. The guitar usually works along with the vocals in the "calling" or leading role, while an instrument such as harmonica is used to give the "response.". [2] Jones, Blues People, 19. Most of the time, the first two lines are the same, and have question-like lyrics. 5 Chapter 2: Musical Instruments and Ensembles 9. P1 Explain the fundamental stylistic elements of a wide range of musical genres. This integration was a natural one for both jazz and rock musicians since jazz and rock share many of the same roots: worksongs, the blues, gospel, and rhythm and blues. The narrator doesn't know anything about jazz. But although the forms remained, something wholly new and original was made out of these older elements - more original, perhaps, than even the new musicians themselves yet realize. Copyright © Melodyful &, Inc. Extended Diploma in Music Unit 22: Music Performance Session Styles You are to recognise 3 genre of music and evaluate that style with the aim of performing that style accurately. What emerged was music with a blues feel, but with a particularly Northern, urban influence. The rhythm is also a unique characteristic of blues music. (1.5 MB) Overview In this lesson students will learn about finding the blues in a variety of musical styles. Because this music and its producers are often denigrated in the United States, it is necessary to explain its importance and to explain why it is not accorded the respect it deserves. Immigrants in the Appalachian Mountains area, who had brought along instruments from their own countries, merged their art-forms to form the famous genre of country music. This type of music has been through many modification phrases with regards to lyrics, instruments, and harmony; which is evident in most types of music today. The most remarkable style of this music is, without question, the blues. The song could be described as ‘outlaw country’ and uses elements from various folk styles (prison song/train song). So far it (18) influenced almost every genre, moreover, many genres (19) not have come into existence if it had not been (20) the blues. Above all else, Swing music is dance music – which means it was: PBS; The Blues; Blues Classroom; Lesson Plans; The Beat of the Blues, 12bar Blues Guitar: Solo Guitar- The Blues Scales, Harpin' an' a Whinin'; Song Key Website by Mark Purintun; Blues Notes. His influence extended to the British blues rockers and he recorded with big names such as Eric Clapton. The term was initially used to identify the rocking style of music that combined the 12 bar blues format and boogie-woogie with a back beat, which later became a fundamental element of rock and roll. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. This article concentrates on the musical elements of blues music…. It is a combination of styles tracing its roots in the folk dances and British ballad. Sign up to receive the latest and greatest articles from our site automatically each week (give or take)...right to your inbox. There was this thing back when Christianity was controlling Theocratic societies in Europe. A second thing that sets apart musical styles is the musical instruments used. 1930: Big Band Swing Music(1930s) By the 1930s, jazz had led to the birth of a new genre, big band swing music. Taking its roots from storytelling, the lyrics in blues music often provide a narrative. Have a look at this visual diagram of … Lyrical, the NWOBHM bands ventured into new territory. Well, we're looking for good writers who want to spread the word. pop/rock music--importance of text; words we understand, ... 12-Bar Blues form three 4-bar phrases; lyrics form a couplet (first line repeated to fit form) notice how vocal line is frequently only half of the 4-bar phrase, allowing improvised "filler" by the instrumentalists; Elvis Presley - Hound Dog . West End Blues uses a typical New Orleans front line of trumpet, clarinet and trombone with a rhythm section of piano, banjo and percussion. ... Groups and instruments. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. This is why we provide the books compilations in this website. One of the best-known blues harmonica players was Sonny Boy Williamson II. This music is based on traditions and are usually developed around three chords with a basic plain melody. African-American music is rooted in the polyrhythmic music heard from ethnic African tribes. Classical Music and Jazz merged to create Third Stream; 50’s RnB and Jazz merged to create Hard-Bop; Afro-Cuban music and Jazz combined to create Latin Jazz; Jazz-Rock Fusion. Gershwin uses this element of classical music and combines it with the use of the blues scale. When it comes to melody, blues music also consists of an emphasis on the flattened third, fifth and seventh notes of a major scale. Ethan Miller/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images. The new music was built out of materials already in existence: blues, rock’n’roll, folk music. Blues, by contrast, offered itself in a three-line, twelve-bar format, and without a bridge—except for Handy’s “St. The blues often uses piano and various guitars to give a variety of melodies. Songs explored the realms of Known as 'The Mother of the Blues' as she was one of the first female blues singers in the 1920's.. The lyrical themes often deal with hardship and injustice. The meaning changed again and in the seventies, it was used to describe soul and funk music. Like the drums, the other instruments used in blues work together to create tension, followed by release. She holds a Master of Science in advertising from Virginia Commonwealth University. Originating as part of the African-American heritage in the South, blues music combines African music traditions with western instruments. For two decades Wynton Marsalis ruled the jazz universe, enjoying virtually unqualified admiration as a musician and unsurpassed influence as the music… The transformation took place in 1966-7. Slaves would communicate and ease the doldrums of their labor through improvised call and response songs. Some of early blues music personalities were Bukka White, Robert Johnson, and Bessie Smith. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. At the time, rhythm and blues was basically a code phrase for "music recorded and bought by Black people." Approximately 2 hours . It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Basses, drums, and harmonica are included in the blues scene today. Gordon has written advertising copy for clients such as Nestle, Safeway, BB&T and Hanes. The blues have influenced many other musical styles. Inevitably, the next … 1 in Deep Blues; Henrietta Yurchenco, "Blues Fallin' Down Like Hail: Recorded Blues, 1920s-1940s,” American Music 13, no. Most notable genres of music such as rock and rhythm and blues have been developed on the basis of the contents of blues music. Elements of Sound: Frequency, Amplitude, Wave Form, Duration . Born as Riley B. Stockbyte/Stockbyte/Getty Images . << Blues Classroom: Click here to download a PDF of this lesson. In order to improvise successfully it is helpful to first gain an understanding of the defining elements of improvisation in a range of genres. A solo musician can carry out the traditional call and response style on his own; he sings, and the harmonica responds. Almost all styles of music feature some form of improvisation. This type had elements of dance, hip hop, funk and soul. And so it was with Fusion or Jazz-Rock. Normally, the bar is divided into certain numbers of beats for different chords. The harmony of blues music mainly focuses on the first, fourth and fifth chords of a combination. Our site includes quite a bit of content, so if you're having an issue finding what you're looking for, go on ahead and use that search feature there! Having studied a set works in music classes, Mozarts Symphony No. The vocal styles of rock have been influenced by the vocals of the blues. Singing first two lines is divided among eight measures in a 12-bar, whereas the rest four measures consist of singing the third line.

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