revel f208 boundary

revel f208 boundary

However, the mids and treble will be slightly different, too. The width of the speakers' front baffles is 11.8 inches for the F208, 9.8 inches for the F206. The larger baffle of the F208 will give its output a tad more oomph in the midrange, which is why the crossovers between the midranges and woofers are slightly different. Finally, I would advocate for a full re-publication, on Stereophile's online edition, of the Dynaudio Focus 160. I know I can ask for a reprint edition. Two grown-up 20cm woofers plus port loading manage 34Hz–270Hz (-3dB) per side. The Metrum Hex DAC is very rich and analog sounding (compared to my Denchmark DAC2) The Benchmark HGC DAC2 PRE used as a preamp has stunning clarity and musicality with no added warmth and is at least as good as the pre in the Bryston B100 integrated preamp. "...because the F208 is only 11.8" wide and the entire rear panel curves around in a parabola, its appearance is far less imposing than the boxy, Volvo-like F30. The F208 is a large, bulky speaker, so it wasn't possible for me to raise it far enough above the floor to get good frequency resolution in the midrange. Les enceintes Revel F208 Performa3 sont de véritables enceintes à large bande avec de petites empreintes de pied et une finition qui dépasse la qualité des finitions pour automobiles. Revel by HARMAN F208. 3-Way Floorstanding Tower Loudspeaker. In the vertical plane (fig.6), the use of high-order crossover filters results in very little change in the speaker's balance over a wide range of listener heights—a good thing, given the tweeter's height from the ground of 43". There is a very slight lack of energy between 1 and 2kHz and a slight excess above 9kHz, but both of these errors will have very little effect on sound quality, if at all. Le guide d’ondes de la lentille acoustique intégrée du tweeter est basé sur une approche mathématique révolutionnaire qui fait correspondre avec précision la dispersion du tweeter à celle du transducteur de milieu de gamme dans … These speakers are just as fabulous as the review. Fig.3 shows the individual responses of the port (red trace), the woofers (blue), and the midrange/tweeter section (green), scaled in the ratios of the square roots of their radiating areas. Thank you! Summing up the Revel's measured performance is easy: In every way, this is textbook loudspeaker design. Whether or not you like the wide directivity sound it's clear revel does it better than almost anyone. However, the mids and treble will be slightly different, too. Harman/Revel said "THIS IS AN AUDIO MYTH WITH NO TRUTH." During development, every Revel loudspeaker model is compared to It is the "most followed" new product on a peer website. Should I purchase the F206 instead? These precision transducers utilize ribbed aluminum cones for ideal piston-like behavior that eliminates a major source … Obviously the same people that would put that equipment rack and TV set between the speakers. I would like to see a review of the Performa3 M105s as it would highlight how special the whole line is. And really, who is going to drive a $5000 pair of speakers with a 16lb AV receiver with a switch-mode power supply? You do a great job. The cumulative spectral-decay plot on the tweeter axis has limited midrange resolution due to the need to window out the reflections of the woofers' outputs from the too-close floor, but fig.8 still reveals a superbly clean decay in the treble. Not so the F208—some audiophiles will find the bass switch a very useful feature. But it is also apparent that the F208 is a full-range design, with useful output down to below 30Hz. However I wanted to point out one audio myth: The quote from the review: "The F208s eventually took about 500 hours of play before achieving their ultimate sound.". I guess I'm just an old sentimental fool to pretend that the Average Joe can buy an American made product that is better than average. The smooth off-axis traces and even spacing of the contour lines in this graph correlate with the well-defined stereo imaging noted by EL. Like the midrange drivers their voice-coil formers are a … My dealer in Chicago had the 52's, I passed and I'm glad I did after hearing the F208's. Amortisseurs de vibrations pour enceintes acoustiques, Traitement acoustique/Absorbeurs acoustiques, Traitement acoustique/Diffuseurs acoustiques, Caisson pour Haut-parleurs de 6.5’’ et 6’’ X 9’’, Câbles d'interconnection audio-analogues 3.5mm à RCA, Câbles d'interconnexion audio-analogues XLR, Casques pour ordinateur, smartphone et tablette, Récepteurs numériques /câbles /satellites, Composante de conducteur haute fréquence: tweeter en aluminium de 2,5 cm (1 po) avec guide d'ondes à objectif acoustique, Composants de pilote de moyenne fréquence : cône en aluminium de 5,35 po (13,3 cm), milieu de gamme en fonte, Composantes du pilote de basse fréquence : deux haut-parleurs de graves en aluminium moulé à cône en aluminium de 20 cm (8 po), Extension des basses fréquences : -10 dB à 23Hz, -6 dB à 27 Hz, -3 dB à 31Hz, Dimensions (H X W X D) : 46.6" x 13.5" x 14.8". Revel doesn’t specify the order of the crossovers, but past speaker models have tended to favor fourth-order designs (24 decibels per octave). Revel Performa3 F208 обзор Stereophile Год: 1999. Bob Deutsch will be reviewing the Focal 936 loudspeaker in the October or November issue. The F208 is three-way and front-ported, with two 8-inch woofers and crossover frequencies at 270 hertz and 2.2 kilohertz. like of the new aria series with flax cones or the refreshed chorus 705v entries? While Revel does not endorse one particular to the desired power amplifier output channel. Mit einem „Boundary-Schalter“ lässt sich der Bassbereich der F208 innerhalb gewisser Grenzen anpassen Für den Mittelton der Performa F208 zeichnet ein Treiber mit 13-cm-Aluminiummembran verantwortlich, der, wie die Bässe, auch bei richtig heftigen Pegeln noch unverzerrt und unkomprimiert spielen soll – auch er kommt in den Genuss der besagten Luxusausstattung. Due to an oversight, the domain registration wasn't renewed in a timely manner. At 46.1", the F208 is noticeably taller, but because the F208 is only 11.8" wide and the entire rear panel curves around in a parabola, its appearance is far less imposing than the boxy, Volvo-like F30. Page 8 The F208 is equipped with two pairs of input terminals to allow for recommended.) I havent seen a focal review in a while. Then connect the other end of that speaker cable bi-wiring or bi-amping. It's no wonder that Erick Lichte liked this speaker as much as he did.—John Atkinson. The Tekton speakers have had me intrigued since I first started looking for speakers months ago. Les enceintes Revel F208 Performa3 sont de véritables enceintes à large bande avec de petites empreintes de pied et une finition qui dépasse la qualité des finitions pour automobiles. Everything considered, the Revel Performa F208 exceeded my expectations for a big heavy multi-way of this caliber that can go loud without wincing and never hits any macrodynamic stops. La F208 comprend deux séries de bornes de fixation qui … As Erick Lichte noted, the speaker worked better from his tube amplifier's 4 ohm than from its 8 ohm output. This product has been reviewed without delay by a peer publication in Europe, to much acclaim, and a couple of months after the product's introduction. The center channel in the review system is the Revel Performa3 Series C205 two-way loudspeaker. The C205 has one 1″ aluminum dome tweeter with Acoustic Lens Waveguide and two 5.25″ aluminum cone woofers. The cabinet’s finish and design are similar to the F206 speakers’. >> And really, who is going to drive a $5000 pair of speakers with a 16lb AV receiver with a switch-mode power supply? I always wanted to read a Stereophile review comparing the second gen Performa models with the old ones. The speaker's plots of impedance magnitude and electrical phase angle against frequency are shown in fig.1. 50% size reduction? In my experience these are very audible differences. Curved cabinet walls cut down on colorations. The Genelec, which isn't even super narrow, is only out to about 60 degrees compared to 75 degrees for the revel. What's the deal? Les enceintes au sol F208 Performa3 sont de véritables enceintes large bande avec de petites empreintes de pied et un design élégant. But it is also apparent that the F208 is a full-range design, with useful output down to below 30Hz. 3 Revel Performa F208 - Bass, Tiefton - Testbericht fairaudio 4 Test-Fazit: Revel Performa F208 Im Großen und Ganzen (über)erfüllen die Revel Performa F208 einerseits meine Erwartungen an einen großen, schweren, feist bestückten Lautsprecher dieses Kalibers, denn sie können sehr laut und dabei unverzerrt spielen und lassen grobdynamisch nichts anbrennen. With the F208s switched to Boundary, I heard very little loss in overall bass extension, but a useful loss of boom through the mid- and upper bass. ", Um, Erick, have you acutally taken a look at any Volvos recently? General Information *Revel F208’s low-frequency and midrange transducers feature distortion reduction mechanisms that stabilize the flux field during operation, assuring low distortion even at high listening volumes. Revel F208 Review Before I start, let me explain a bit about the electronics that are feeding these speakers. Revel F208. The woofer response is actually the sum of the outputs of the two woofers, whose minimum-motion notches are at slightly different frequencies: the top woofer at 30Hz, the bottom at 25.4Hz, the discrepancy perhaps due to manufacturing tolerances. Revel F208's low-frequency and midrange transducers feature distortion reduction mechanisms that stabilize the flux field during operation, assuring low distortion even at high listening volumes. Most of Harman's loudspeaker production is being outsourced these days. 3 and 4. In the review Mr. Lichte notes his room is rather small. Additionally, those M105s are very attainable and provide a nice alternative to the B&W CM5s. The 1” aluminum tweeter has a proprietary Acoustic Lens Waveguide that increases the high frequency dispersion, widening the off-axis response. Both choices are around $1,900. You've got a keen eye. The Revel F208 is a speaker of standard consistency, moderately priced, and attainable by most. If I am right on my facts, the also much-acclaimed B&W 685 (series 1), an eminently popular speaker, was never tested by Stereophile. Even in this not inconsiderable price class that's far from a given and would do even far … The phase angle is generally low, or high only when the impedance is also high, ameliorating its effect. Le filtrage de la F208 fournit un contrôle du niveau des hautes fréquences qui permet un réglage précis du son tout en maintenant une correspondance acoustique très étroite entre les haut-parleurs. Amphion, if you refer to their site, has 8 dealers in the US. Fig.5 Revel Performa3 F208, lateral-response family at 50", normalized to response on tweeter axis, from back to front: differences in response 90–5° off axis, reference response, differences in response 5–90° off axis. This loudspeaker reminds me of some products by Sonus faber (this is the official website: I the only one? Les borniers Revel sont plaquées or et comprennent un section articulée qui permet des connexions plus sûres lors de l'utilisation de fourches. It would be interesting to know how Stereophile views the cost-to-performance ratio. Fig.3 Revel Performa3 F208, acoustic crossover on tweeter axis at 50", corrected for microphone response, with nearfield responses of midrange unit (green trace), woofer (blue), and port (red), respectively plotted below 355Hz, 1kHz, and 320Hz. Revel propose sa nouvelle gamme Performa3, en insistant sur son modèle phare F208. Sidebar 3: Measurements I used DRA Labs' MLSSA system and a calibrated DPA 4006 microphone to measure the Revel Performa3 F208's frequency response in the farfield, and an Earthworks QTC-40 for the nearfield responses. Below the woofers is a front firing port. I'd still not envision the pater familias of Revel's Performa range in <20-25m² rooms due to serious bass. The F208 … Pepper Essential III, Special Edition Turntable Sweepstakes, Analog Corner #310: Haniwa HCTR-CO Mk.II phono cartridge, SW1X LPU I phono preamplifier, Gramophone Dreams #49: KEF KC62 subwoofer. So this review really was a treat. Fig.4 Revel Performa3 F208, anechoic response on tweeter axis at 50", averaged across 30° horizontal window and corrected for microphone response, with complex sum of nearfield responses plotted below 300Hz. Город: Миннеаполис. is now back up again. I’m considering purchasing the F208, my concern about the bass response in a 13sqm room, I am in the process of renovations and the speakers will be relocated into a room between 20-25sqm. Switch to 4K on bottom of the videoSpeakers: Revel Performa3 F208 in piano black. Technics Presents a Discussion of Their Reference Class SU-R1000 Digital Integrated Amplifier! Next to that is a bass control: Each F208 can be set to Boundary, for placement near a rear or side wall; or Normal, when used farther out into the room. Obydwie konstrukcje są ogólnie dobrze zrównoważone, ale Revel wpisuje w ten obraz lekkie obniżenie zakresu kilku kHz, co jest nawet częściej spotykaną sytuacją niż prowadzenie tutaj charakterystyki na wysokim poziomie (które odważnie prezentuje Tribute). However, the mids and treble will be slightly different, too. Will there be any in the future? F208 3-way floorstanding tower (1-inch tweeter, 5.25-inch midrange, dual 8-inch woofers; SRP: ... have tweeter and boundary controls to adjust for placement issues. I believe that Stereophile, again lagging its European peers, has yet to issue a review of the B&W PM1. In the time domain, the F208's step response on the tweeter axis (fig.7) reveals that all four drive-units are connected in positive acoustic polarity, and that the decay of each driver's step is smoothly integrated with the start of the step of the driver next lower in frequency. ), wish you had done some in room measurments Plugging the ports drastically reduced the level and extension of … You should look forward to a wonderful tone that draws you into the song and you can’t even complain that much. Bob Reina reviews the M106 in our September issue. Their combined output has a sharply defined notch at 27.3Hz, the frequency of the saddle in the impedance-magnitude trace, which indicates the tuning frequency of the port. Those look like SB Acoustics drive units. Revel doesn’t specify the order of the crossovers, but past speaker models have tended to favor fourth-order designs (24 decibels per octave). The Revel F208’s are a full-range floorstanding 3-way design utilizing a 1” aluminum tweeter, 5.25” aluminum midrange cone, and 2 8” aluminum cones for low end. LF contouring can be further tweaked with supplied foam bungs to plug the ports. Cannondale Bicycles did the same thing. The use of a waveguide around the tweeter results in well-controlled off-axis behavior in the treble, which in a listening room of typical size will compensate for the slight top-octave boost seen in figs. That could be the only reason for that type of comment. My estimate of the F208's voltage sensitivity, measured on the tweeter axis, was 88.9dB(B)/2.83V/m, which is within experimental error of the specified 88.5dB. They design it, somebody else builds it. Looking closer at the F208's cabinet reveals curved side and back walls built from a series of laminated layers. Ils offrent une combinaison impressionnante de large … Boundary switch turned on is probably a good setting, for right speaker it looks close to below model of three same boundary distances, can you get it arranged so that its closer into the corner and so that the two other distances is 1/3 and 2/3 than center distance in middle between the dual woofers down to the floor, get them three distances within 1/3 and 2/3 difference will improve that … Both the front and rear LR are toed in aiming at my ears, I prefer that to in wall speakers I can't toe in. Many boundary switches rob speakers of their life, and even impose a kind of haze on the rest of the audioband. The port's output peaks at this frequency, as expected, and cleanly rolls off above 40Hz, with no resonant modes evident in the midrange. Marten Parker Trio Diamond Edition loudspeaker, Wilson Audio Specialties Chronosonic XVX loudspeaker, Altec A-7 & Electro-Voice Patrician 800 loudspeakers, Wilson Audio Specialties SabrinaX loudspeaker, Electro-Voice Model Two & Model Six loudspeakers, Piega Premium Wireless 701 wireless loudspeaker system, Pro-Ject The Beatles SGT. Sam Tellig's January 2012 review will be posted in our free on-line archives next week. Is this a new thing for Revel? You inserted a lot of details and your explanation is very clear and well-written. The dryer tighter bass takes a bit of to get used to but ultimately sounds fine and allows the speakers to be placed very near to boundaries without any boominess (even without using the boundary …

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