voyage portugal covid
), veuillez vous adresser aux ambassades et consulats étrangers compétents. Les situations dangereuses sont souvent impossibles à prévoir et difficiles à cerner, et elles peuvent évoluer rapidement. We recommend checking the healthcare and documentation requirements of the country you are travelling to. In Spain, emergency healthcare is guaranteed in all cases, and is provided in hospitals and in some health centres. Sur la page d'accueil de ce site, vous trouverez la carte COVID, qui explique les pays et régions et les conditions pour s'y rendre ou non, ainsi que les mesures applicables lors du retour en Belgique. +41 800 24-7-365 / +41 58 465 33 33, Fax La Helpline DFAE fait office de guichet unique pour toute question ayant trait aux services consulaires. Spain’s airports and ports follow the same hygiene measures and social distancing requirements: availability of disinfectant solution; signs indicating the correct distance between people; one-way routes and limited capacity spaces; staggered access; disinfectant mats; preferred payment by card or electronic devices; drinking fountains to be used only to fill recipients or glasses; and frequent cleaning and disinfection of transit spaces. Toute demande ayant trait à une annulation de voyage doit être adressée directement à l’agence de voyage ou à la compagnie d’assurance voyage. The most important measure is to behave responsibly and follow all obligations and recommendations. Voyagez avec l’application Travel Admin Seuls le Portugal continental, la Suède, ... Bahamas avec visa, test PCR et assurance Covid. • Encouraging the use of outdoor spaces. (Last updated: Tuesday, 17 November 2020) Choose between thousands of activities to live your best life on holiday. This website uses cookies to guarantee the best user experience, and to compile anonymous statistics on the use of the website in order to learn more about our visitors and the contents they find most interesting. All travellers arriving in Spain by air or sea will go through a health check. Les informations sur les voyages sont des conseils et ne sont pas contraignantes. Disposable hygiene caps will be provided with rental motorbikes. Masks are compulsory on all public transport.Trains:• Measures to facilitate social distancing.• Enhanced hygiene with regular disinfection.• Replacement of head rest covers on all seats after each journey, and increased ventilation in carriages.Buses and coaches:• Cleaning and disinfection routines. Le Portugal attire chaque année des milliers de touristes français. Within Spain there is free movement, with occasional exceptions in specific places to ensure safety. You will have to show your boarding pass when entering the airport, as people who are not travelling are not allowed in. These procedures are obligatory for any passenger arriving in Spain by air or sea. Etat d’urgence au Portugal à partir du 9 novembre. Veuillez consulter la liste de l’OFSP qui sera régulièrement actualisée.OFSP : quarantaine obligatoire pour les voyageurs entrant en Suisse. Ambassade de Suisse à Lisbonne Helpline DFAE, Représentations étrangères en Suisse: Pour obtenir des informations sur les prescriptions d’entrée (documents d’identité admis, visa, etc. ... Travel here is possible if you meet certain entry regulations which can include taking a COVID-19 test. Représentations étrangères en Suisse. Le Portugal dispose d'un réseau routier bien développé. Des grèves peuvent survenir. Il est rappelé que les voyageurs en provenance de ces pays et en transit au Portugal ne sont soumis ni à l’obligation de présenter la preuve d’un test COVID-19 ni à l’obligation de respecter une quarantaine. Les Açores sont d'origine volcanique. • Use of digital menus or lists of services. J’ai réservé un voyage au Portugal. Exclusion de la responsabilité Les Conseils aux voyageurs du Département fédéral des affaires étrangères (DFAE) reposent sur des informations obtenues de sources sûres, réputées fiables. • Opening hours may be limited and all restaurant services may sometimes be cancelled, except for home delivery and take-away services. Risque d’enlèvement dans le Sahara et le Sahel, Check-liste de voyage En raison de l'épidémie de COVID 19, je dois annuler la réservation. ).• Manual user satisfaction questionnaires will not be used.• Tours must follow one-way routes to avoid groups coming into contact with each other. Enregistrement en ligne, Téléphone Les infractions à la loi sur les stupéfiants sont passibles de lourdes peines de prison. Useful information when you end your visit and leave Spain. 2. Transports publics: le réseau des bus est relativement bien développé. As well as the general measures:• Staggered access and limited occupancy in tourist coaches, buses and minibuses,• Travellers may not change seats after the journey has started.• Rental cars will be left for longer periods between customers. Ministère de la santé COVID-19 Ambassade du Portugal. Sur place, conformez-vous aux consignes des autorités locales. PAYS ÉTRANGERSIl existe toujours de nombreuses restrictions d'entrée (interdiction d'entrée, quarantaine, certificat de santé, etc.). Si vous prenez régulièrement des médicaments, emportez-en une quantité suffisante avec vous. Major restrictions. Terrorisme et enlèvements. As well as the general measures:• The people providing information can only attend to one person at a time. Département fédéral des affaires étrangères DFAE, Liste des représentations officielles de la Suisse à l'étranger (PDF, 1.2 MB, Français), Le chapitre Adresses utiles a actualisé (Ambassade de Suisse à Lisbonne). However, for justifiable reasons it may be presented in paper format before embarking). • Routes designed to facilitate social distancing. Everybody aged 6 or over must wear a mask in all public spaces and on public transport.Masks are the only compulsory protective equipment. Additionally, all tourist accommodation on the Canary Islands require tourists to present a negative PCR or antígen test taken in the last 72 hours. En cas d’interruption des communications avec l’étranger, vous pouvez vous mettre en liaison avec l’Ambassade de Suisse à Lisbonne. These are Australia, China, South Korea, Japan, New Zealand, Rwanda, Singapore, Thailand and Uruguay. Pour les conducteurs, qui ont obtenu leur permis depuis moins de trois ans, et pour les conducteurs professionnels ce taux est fixé à 0,2 ‰. These measures correspond to the “Guides for reducing the spread of coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 in the tourism sector”. You will find them very useful. These may include:• Limited occupancy and division of spaces.• Installation of one-way access routes.• Online and phone booking required.• Hand-operated taps and showers will be closed.• Increased social distancing to at least two metres in windy conditions. We recommend always checking the requirements and recommendations of your destination country. Get useful information and see Spain’s official measures to ensure your health and safety during your trip. First, avoid all physical contact with other people. 7. Piraterie maritime As well as the general measures:• Access to enclosures, berths and boats will be staggered.• Rental boats will be disinfected before delivery. Prenez en considération les informations et recommandations de l’Office fédéral de la santé publique, Le risque d'attentats terroristes ne peut pas être exclu au Portugal non plus. Provision of resources to facilitate social distancing of at least 1.5 metres (marks to show distances, recommended routes through enclosed spaces, protective barriers, restricting the number of people entering at the same time, etc) Source: AENA, Seven Spanish customs that help you feel happy, How to get to Spain by ferry or cruise ship. Spain’s tourism industry is working to offer you a safe holiday. (Swasiland), USA Dernière mise à jour 12.11.2020, Focus • All discotheques and dance halls are closed. In all cases, a negative PCR test carried out within 72 hours prior to your arrival in Spain is mandatory if you are travelling from a high risk country or area (from 23 November). Check the average temperatures and the hours of sunshine in different areas and the clothing you should wear according to the season. • Possible limitations on occupancy in vehicles and premises.• Travellers may not change seats after the journey has started.Hired vehicle with driver seating up to nine people: • Passengers may always take the row of seats behind the driver. Get first-hand information from each area. (Etats-Unis d'Amérique), Royaume-Uni All tourist services are applying safety protocols based on guidelines created by the Ministry of Health, working together with public and private tourism organisations. Source: Official State Gazette (BOE), Yes. des ordres d’évacuation.Autoridade Nacional de Protecção Civil: Heat and wildfire hazard Instituto português do mar e da atmosfera: Fire risk index (mainland and Madeira). As well as the general measures: Observez les précautions d'usage et soyez particulièrement vigilants dans les transports publics, notamment dans le tram 28 de Lisbonne. Certain countries have established restrictions or quarantine periods on people arriving from Spain. This check may include having their temperature taken, checking their documents, and a visual examination of the passenger’s state of health. 6. App Travel Admin pour iPhone Vous êtes obligé de pouvoir vous identifier avec votre passeport ou la carte d’identité à tout moment (ou avec une photocopie). Représentations étrangères en Suisse. In general, there will be restrictions on people circulating at night from 11 pm to 6 am, although there may be a one-hour difference in these times according to the Autonomous Region, and this measure does not apply in the Canary Islands. Les séismes sont rares et se produisent surtout dans l'Algarve, la région de Lisbonne et les Açores. Reduced capacity in enclosed spaces, pavement cafés, tourist attractions and cultural activities. Coronavirus COVID-19. Les grèves occasionnelles des transports publics peuvent entraîner des perturbations et des retards du trafic touristique. Also, most airlines have restricted the amount of cabin baggage allowed. Ils sont régulièrement vérifiés et modifiés si nécessaire. Additionally, all tourist accommodation on the Canary Islands require tourists to present a negative PCR or antígen test taken in the last 72 hours. Comment faire et comment puis-je obtenir un remboursement? • Drinking alcoholic beverages in the street is totally prohibited. Yes. Il décline toute responsabilité en cas de dommages éventuels. Portugal Tolls (portugais, français, anglais). As well as the general measures:• Only people with a boarding pass may enter the airport (or people accompanying them if they have a justified need for assistance)• On arrival in Spain you will have to present your signed health control form (see more information in the section “Before your trip”)• Frequent cleaning and disinfection of transit spaces, and use of disinfectant mats.• Drinking fountains may only be used to fill recipients or glasses.• Most airlines have restricted the amount of cabin baggage allowed. If the health control form reveals any indication of possible symptoms of COVID-19, the traveller must undergo a diagnostic test in the airport upon arrival in Spain. Début de la page Yes. Here you can see important information to take into account during your stay in Spain and the main measures applied in tourist services. Measures may be changed when necessary to respond to the local COVID-19 situation. Derniers développements Nouveau coronavirus (COVID-19) Veuillez prendre note des recommandations du Conseil fédéral et d’autres informations dans le focus «nouveau coronavirus (COVID-19)». • Restrictions in interactive installations or services to enrich the visitor experience (touchscreens, audioguides, virtual reality, etc.). Leur but est d’aider les voyageurs à prendre à bon escient leur décision de déplacement et de leur fournir des indications utiles pour leur permettre de préparer avec soin leur voyage. Par contre, il y a peu de liaisons ferroviaires à part de l'axe Faro–Lisbonne–Porto–Braga. All you have to do is select the region you're travelling to on the map and you’ll be taken to the region's website for citizen information. All tourist services are working to ensure everyone’s safety, based on three essential principles: social distancing, hygiene, and responsible behaviour. Remember that you must fill in a separate form for each trip and each person. The form must be completed and signed telematically before your arrival in Spain. As well as the general measures:• Limited occupancy in attractions and shows• Installation of hand disinfecting stations in strategic locations.• Hand-operated drinking fountains will be closed. • The self-service areas for leaflets and maps will be eliminated and the use of digital versions will be prioritised.• Restrictions in interactive installations or services to enrich the visitor experience (touchscreens, audioguides, virtual reality, etc. Sur différents tracés, les péages doivent être réglés par voie électronique uniquement. Get useful information and see Spain’s official measures to protect your health and safety during your trip. 3. Dans le contexte de la recrudescence des cas de Covid-19 au Portugal, les autorités portugaises ont décrété l’état d’urgence, à partir du 9 novembre 2020. If you aren’t sure, you can ask the police or Civil Guard where you are, call the information helpline, or check on the links to each Autonomous Region under the question “What is the current situation in each area of Spain?”. Il y également des mesures au sein des différents États pour contenir la propagation du nouveau coronavirus, par exemple des restrictions à la liberté de circulation. Dans ce cas, veuillez tout d’abord procéder à son installation en cliquant sur le lien suivant: télécharger Skype, Infos sur les conditions d’entrée/visas pour le Portugal, Recommandations générales pour tous les voyages, Documents de voyage, visa et formalités d’entrée, Focus Risque d’enlèvement dans le Sahara et le Sahel, Durabilité, environnement, énergie, santé, formation, science, transports et affaires spatiales, Pool d’experts pour la promotion civile de la paix, Abonnement aux Conseils aux voyageurs par courriel, Congo, République démocratique (Kinshasa), Corée, République populaire démocratique (Nord), Eswatini Ceux-ci peuvent également vous renseigner sur les dispositions douanières pour l’importation et l’exportation d’animaux et de marchandises: appareils électroniques, souvenirs, médicaments, etc. Le DFAE ne donne aucune garantie quant à l’exhaustivité des conseils aux voyageurs ou à l’exactitude du contenu des sites Internet externes mis en lien. Tourist with face mask in Santiago de Compostela Cathedral, Boy with mask looking at the sunset on La Concha beach, San Sebastian, Tourists using masks in natural surroundings, Above: a couple walking in a marina in Punta Umbría, Huelva ©Agsaz. Choose from thousands of activities thought out for you. • Smoking is prohibited in the street or in outdoor areas if a minimum distance of two metres cannot be maintained. As well as the general measures:• Time limits on the use of visitor centres or viewing points.• More intensive and frequent cleaning and disinfection of semi-enclosed spaces and of equipment loaned to visitors (binoculars, zoom lenses, walking sticks, etc. 8. • Visitors will be registered and asked to sign an affidavit stating that they are aware of and accept the health and hygiene measures. (Saint-Siège), Verzeichnis der offiziellen Vertretungen der Schweiz im Ausland, Lista delle rappresentanze ufficiali della Svizzera all’estero, Directory of the official Swiss representations abroad, Services destinés aux citoyens suisses à l’étranger, Droits et obligations des ressortissants suisses à l’étranger, Structure de l’Etat et actualité politique suisse, Informations sur l’entrée et le séjour en Suisse, OFSP : quarantaine obligatoire pour les voyageurs entrant en Suisse, Aide-mémoire de l’institution commune LAMal, Aide-mémoire de la douane portugaise (en portugais et anglais), Risque d’enlèvement dans le Sahara et le Sahel, Recommandations avant le départ et pour le séjour, La contribution de la Suisse à l'UE élargie, Missions policières internationales de la Suisse. Il est vivement conseillé de consulter également ci-contre les recommandations générales pour tous les voyages ainsi que la rubrique focus; elles font partie intégrante des Conseils aux voyageurs. N’oubliez toutefois pas que l’importation de médicaments contenant des stupéfiants (p. ex. Recommandations avant le départ et pour le séjour, Travel Admin You must complete a health control form (HCF), which includes the need to provide a negative PCR test, carried out within 72 hours prior to arrival in Spain for all tourists travelling from a high risk country or area (from 23 November). By clicking on OK, you are authorising us to use cookies. Also, all tourists travelling to the Canary Islands must present a negative PCR or antigen test taken no more than 72 hours earlier in order to stay in any accommodation establishment on the islands. Next, inform the local healthcare authorities immediately via the information helpline of the region where you are. Pour vous rendre au Portugal via l’Espagne : veuillez consulter le site de l’Ambassade de France en Espagne. The use of masks on the beach is still advisable. 5. In all cases, you must present the health control form (HCF) and a negative PCR test result carried out within 72 hours prior to arrival (in paper or digital format) could also be required, if you are travelling from a high risk country or area. Si une catastrophe naturelle devait se produire durant votre séjour, prenez immédiatement contact avec vos proches et suivez les instructions des autorités. As well as the general measures:• The companies organising the activities will coordinate their planning in each area to ensure compliance with hygiene and healthcare measures and social distancing.• Users must be informed of the measures to be followed. You can also ask the tourist information office at your destination about restrictions, or call the information helpline of the region. You may also be required to quarantine upon arrival and/or return. Smoking is also prohibited in the street or in outdoor areas if a minimum distance of two metres cannot be maintained. Always follow the recommendations.See below for the main measures applied by tourist services in Spain to ensure safe tourism: 1.
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