citation supergirl série
You convinced me to steal for you. Cat: It's you. And I was delusional to think that I could... No! You can't stop that. Don't you understand that?Lena: No, I do. But I must admit, I did not expect you to live in a casino. I wouldn't know, I've never stood behind a man. Le grand bilan de l'année 2019 : séries, épisodes, membres ... Les meilleures séries en 2019 selon la rédaction de Spin-off. We're Midvale born and raised. Your use of syntax and imagery is sublime, suggesting a much deeper understanding of language than just modern English. Nia: This is just like the beginning of Deathly Hollows.Kara: Moody and Hedwig died.M'gann: You lost comrades in battle? Okay, I truly believed what I was doing was helping people.Kara: I told you I don't want to talk about the past.Lena: Oh, come on, you can scream at me if you like. Lena: I'm sorry.Kara: I know you are. (en vous inscrivant via facebook vous acceptez les conditions générales d'utilisation consultables, Ce que la rédaction de Spin-off a retenu de la décennie 2010-2019, Grand bilan de la décennie 2010-2019 (meilleurs séries, épisodes et plus encore). © 2020 TV Fanatic Supergirl Quotes. | Supergirl Season 4 Trailer: So. You know I pride myself on seeing things. voir en temps réel les notes, appréciations et commentaires de vos amis, les nouvelles séries ajoutées, les audiences, publier son humeur, les nouvelles séries que débutent et arrêtent vos amis, les actus en rapport avec vos séries favorites. Kara: I wouldn't say it was an interview exactly. I called you here simply because I don't wanna die alone. 1. suivre toute l'activité en temps réel de mes séries et de mes amis dans mon gestionnaire de séries. Veuillez saisir les informations demandées, Le meilleur des séries TV US et internationales, Aucun resultat, veuillez modifier votre recherche. But it is when things feel their most hopeless that we have to dig down deep to do what's right. You were right. Chaque citation, réplique ou dialogue est triée sur le volet. 1. The son becomes the father, and the father the son. When you took off your inhibitors, I swore to be there for you no matter what. I have made a terrible mistake. Supergirl Promo: What is Lex Luthor's Plan? Pain is a necessary part of being human, of life. Lena: I wouldn't know, I've never stood behind a man. I know now that working with Non Nocere was a mistake. Many. You were right. I know I deserve it. I know what I said and I know what I did, but I am really hoping that you will believe me right now, okay? About Us | Copyright Inquiry | Privacy Policy | Contact Us. Citations de la série TV Supergirl. But that doesn't mean I have to be one too. Beth: You know it's true what they say, behind every great man is a strong woman., 2010s American LGBT-related drama TV shows, 2020s American LGBT-related drama TV shows, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. And I was delusional to think that I could save people, or fix it. I'm sorry. You know I pride myself on seeing things. 3. But if you came to me looking for absolution, I can't give it to you. I have made a terrible mistake. quasiment aucune pub affichées à l'écran (aucune pub "intrusive"). Otherwise the bad guys win. And I know, I know that I hurt you by waiting so long to tell my truth, but what about all the ways you hurt me? This is about J'onn and Alex and all the other people that could've been killed today because they are on my team. This planet, my... You lost comrades in battle? Although, right now I feel a little like Eliza Doolittle. Female Brainy: But if you enter the ship without Lex's anti-radiation pin, you'll die.Brainy: I pushed away everyone I love because you told me I must. I know you are. Lex is working with Leviathan and they are going to use Obsidian to do something terrible using the system that I made with my project. Supergirl: According to you, I'm Supergirl. I know you must feel like there's no way out. But if you came to me looking for absolution, I can't give it to you. But maybe I was wrong. How much danger that puts them in. Le gestionnaire de séries en détail, à quoi ça sert ? I pushed away everyone I love because you told me I must. I was hurt. INFORMATIONS. I know you must feel like there's no way out. ajouter des acteurs/spectateurs (système d'amis) et suivre leur activité. Liste des citations dans le film/série Gossip girl classées par personnage. poster des résumés et des images sur les épisodes de mon choix mais également des photos d'acteurs. Elseworlds Trailer: Time for a Reality Check! Now let's blow this thing and go home. Beth: You know it's true what they say, behind every great man is a strong woman.Lena: I wouldn't know, I've never stood behind a man. About Us | Copyright Inquiry | Privacy Policy | Contact Us. And I moved further and further away from the person I was until one day I woke up and I was utterly alone. donner une note à chaque épisode répertorié sur le site (plus de 300 000 épisodes et plus de 10 000 séries). Il n'y a aucune citation enregistrée pour cette série. Cat: Trademark pending. Vous êtes nouveau ? Il n'y a aucune citation enregistrée pour cette série. The rain in Spain...stays, um, mainly in the plain. Changes. I have done terrible things to protect myself and the people I love. Considering my tibia's been snapped in half? And then, then you even, you used Kryptonite on me. It was more of a private conversation that's being publ… Supergirl (2015–2021) is a TV show based on the fictional character Supergirl (Kara Zor-El), a costumed superhero crime-fighter who appears in comic books published by DC Comics. I anticipate everything. indiquer aux autres membres tous les épisodes que j'ai vu. This page was last edited on 19 October 2020, at 03:50. But I was wrong. You never even understood that I kept my identity from you because I wanted to protect you! I was hurt. You stole from me. You live for the fight when it's all that you've got. I didn't know I was helping them, but I did. 2. I was so hurt. consulter la liste de mes contributions et proposer des actus. Kara: Uh, thank you. That hurt took me down a dark, dark path where I was blind to what I was really doing, to what I'd become. I have done terrible things to protect myself and the people I love. Imra: You okay?Alex: Considering my tibia's been snapped in half? Of course I do.Kara: No you don't. poster des commentaires sur les épisodes et actualités pour donner mon point de vue et faire avancer les débats. Pathways where others see only walls. I want to help stop Lex and Leviathan. And I thought I could get rid of the hurt. Hank: Have you lost your mind? Lena: Please Kara, I'm sorry. noter plus facilement une liste d'épisodes (pour rattraper du retard sur une saison par exemple). ajouter à la liste de "Ma sériethèque" les séries que je regarde, pouvoir les trier par état (Je veux la voir, En cours, En pause, Terminée ou Arrêtée), leur donner une appréciation globale (pas seulement par épisode), vous recevrez ensuite des notifications liées à vos séries en cours et le calendrier des séries s'adapte à vos séries en cours pour les mettre en avant. It's just brought me a new kind of misery. suivre les commentaires d'épisodes que j'ai déjà noté ou commenté. envoyer des messages privés à d'autres membres. And now I want to help stop them. You have never understood what it means to share a secret identity with someone. Pourquoi créer un compte ? Pete: Did you spend a lot of time growing up in foreign countries? I thought that I knew better, that I could make the world a better place. But I know I don't like him, and I definitely don't trust him. Kara: Uh, no. Oh, no. This planet, my friend, it's worth it. Brainy: Nia.Nia: No! That working with Lex was a mistake.Kara: This isn't about Lex! 2. This whole time I became a villain. Pete: I'm a huge fan of yours. consulter des recommandations pour débuter de nouvelles séries basées sur vos goûts. My condolences. Connections where others only see coincidence. I meant to say who are you? I was so hurt. You're a monster. You're all clear, kid. When you took off your inhibitors, I swore to be there for you no matter what. Pain is a necessary part of being human, of life. My condolences. Please, okay? What were you thinking giving interviews? Yep.Kara: Although, right now I feel a little like Eliza Doolittle. Alex: Yep. You pretended to be my friend for weeks just so you could manipulate me. Humanity will always try to protect itself, to evolve. You were right. one with the hoop and the tall guys bouncing the balls, if you like it, you should've put a ring on it. I made one mistake, one mistake that was only ever meant to protect you, and in return, all you did was hurt me in every way imaginable. And I'm not looking for forgiveness. Because I don't know who this Brainy is. But it has never kept me safe from pain.
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