sciences po rennes ent
18h30 via Zoom. Advanced Master in Management of Maritime Projects, Admissions Coordinator international students (free movers), Top athlete (windsurfing) and student engineer, Engineer in Naval and Offshore Architecture, ENSTA Bretagne/Audencia Business School Double Degree, Engineer, Naval Architect and Aerodynamicist, École Nationale Supérieure de Techniques Avancées Bretagne, French State Graduate, Post-Graduate Engineering School and Research Institute for innovation in defense, maritime development and hi-tech companies, Specialized Advanced Master in Maritime Project Management, A live aboard sailboat for ENSTA Bretagne, Media training workshop for ENSTA Bretagne engineering students, Observation Systems - AI – Embedded Systems, Advanced Modeling of Materials and Structures, Observation Systems and Artificial Intelligence, Marine Engineering: Surface Ships and Submarines, Electronic Systems and Software Design and Security, Marine Engineering/Naval and Offshore Architecture, PTR3: Structures, fluids and interactions, Information science and technology research, Methods and tools for circuit and system design, Perception, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Processing, observations and statistical methods, Industrial Research Chairs and Shared Laboratories, Design and implementation of a maritime project, Mastering the techniques related to the specific characteristics of the maritime industry. Qu'est-ce que l'approche compétence va changer pour les étudiants ? Evénement en ligne animé par l'antenne nantaise de l'association des Anciens élèves. Pour donner du sens à cet anniversaire, plusieurs consultations s'ouvrent en novembre. Retrouvez les modalités d'accès à Sciences Po Rennes et aux différents services. Sciences Po Rennes sera présent au salon des Grandes Ecoles, les 21 et 22 novembre, à travers des stands et salons virtuels. as members of the Advanced Master’s Development Council. L’objectif est d’initier de nouvelles formes de convivialité et de solidarité entre élèves de 2e/4e année et leurs camarades de 1ère année. Rennes International Mobility Centre publishes a guide for international students: it contains all the practical information you need, from the moment you arrive to the moment you leave. Thème : Accès à la culture et égalité face au savoir. This program is unique in that it is based on a partnership with the ‘Land and Sea’ Master of Sciences Po Rennes. Sciences Po Rennes was the first Institute of Political Studies to make a year abroad mandatory for all students; its commitment to innovation is also evidenced by the new specialist courses introduced in subjects including forward planning and consultation engineering, cybersecurity, urban engineering, and sustainable development. Welcome to Sciences Po Rennes “Founded in 1991, Sciences Po Rennes is a French higher education establishment, part of a network of ten Institutes of Political Studies in France. Entomologisches Museum Dr Ulf Eitschberger unter NEUE de ent sciences po rennes , Dominique Sennedot, President of Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique: Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique certified this Master's degree to strongly encourage the inclusion of maritime culture in initial and continuing education. The training program of the Advanced Master in Maritime Project Management is designed around the involvement of professional contributors. These professional contributors are involved at various levels depending on their profile: The program already has the support of several organizations and businesses including Naval Group, SOFRESID, PIRIOU, Ailes Marines and Bretagne Pôle Naval. These project managers can go on to work for SMEs and large groups across the maritime sector: in maritime safety and security; shipbuilding and leisure boatbuilding; marine energies and mining resources; marine biological resources; environmental and coastal planning and development; and maritime ports, infrastructure and transport. 'Training for the sea' is now a reality. These run alongside the school’s range of more traditional courses, such as preparation for the French National School of Administration (ENA) and our Schools of Journalism, Public Policy, International Affairs, and Organisational Management. Sciences Po Rennes engages young people’s vitality and enthusiasm, together with their capacity for innovation and adaptability, to address the challenges of a constantly and rapidly changing world. Its mission is to train students from all social backgrounds, preparing them to take on responsibilities in the public, private, and no-profit sectors in France, Europe, and the rest of the world. To train students to become project managers capable of leading, coordinating and assessing global maritime projects. At Sciences Po Rennes, students receive an excellent, multidisciplinary education in human and social sciences. The school continues to establish and strengthen its unique identity, based around our highly professional staff and faculty and our core values of fraternity and solidarity, ensuring equal opportunities and access to success. Skip to content. A destination des équipes administratives (9h15-12h15) et pédagogiques (14h-17h). En dépit de la crise sanitaire, les 65 étudiants ont pu trouver leur employeur. The humanistic teaching approach is a blend of tradition and innovation, involving both individual and group aspects, and instilling a sense of personal responsibility, the general interest, and open-mindedness in respect of the major issues facing society today. Its mission is to train students from all social backgrounds, preparing them to take on responsibilities in the public, private, and no-profit sectors in France, Europe, and the rest of the world. The other key feature of this program is the ‘engineering firm’ course unit which requires students to effectively manage a maritime project for the duration of the academic semester. La RSE, on la voit partout... mais au final qu'y a-t-il derrière ces 3 lettres? A l'occasion de la rentrée des associations, nous vous proposons un petit tour d’horizon des associations et de leurs projets. Course units 2 (‘Supervising a maritime project’) and 3 (‘Managing a global maritime project’) are taught in Brest (ENSTA Bretagne campus). De nouvelles initiatives vont être lancées cette année. During the first semester, students have the opportunity to take part in a Project Management Serious Game which offers them two days of first-hand experience of day-to-day project team management. as speakers at conferences and seminars to share their experience with the students, as visiting lecturers for lectures and tutorials, by suggesting applied projects for the ‘engineering firm’ course unit. Chaque année, une partie des étudiants de 5e année effectue leur formation professionnelle sous la forme d'un contrat d'alternance relié à leur Master. Intervenants extérieurs - formation continue, Executive MBA - Management public territorial, Executive MBA - Management Finances, audit et gestion publique territoriale, Filière ingénieur INSA Sciences Po Rennes, Chaire Territoires et Mutations de l’Action Publique, Communiquez vos offres de stage et d'emploi, Budget participatif : les projets sélectionnés, Création d'un monitorat pour aider les élèves de 1ère année, Démocratisation : entretien avec deux anciens tuteurs, Démocratisation : entretien avec Laure Schiattecatte, Accélérer la démocratisation à SPR : le mot du directeur, "Climate implications of multi-dwelling lifestyle in Norway". A part of this program is or can be taught in English. “Founded in 1991, Sciences Po Rennes is a French higher education establishment, part of a network of ten Institutes of Political Studies in France. This 7 th edition has been produced in January 2019. Students must also complete an applied project and an industrial internship. Plan du Site; Contactez Nous; Droits D’auteur; Conditions D’utilisation; À Propos de Nous; Politique de Confidentialité ; Homepage / 33 Des Idées Ent Sciences Po Rennes / Ent Sciences Po Rennes Entomologisches Museum Dr Ulf Eitschberger Unter Neue. INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS OFFICE Tel. Les équipes de Sciences Po Rennes seront présents au salon en ligne des Grandes Ecoles pour échanger sur les formations Sciences Po. Retrouvez notre dossier de la semaine consacré aux actions de démocratisation de Sciences Po Rennes. This partnership provides for highly interdisciplinary courses.. Sciences Po Bordeaux a été créé en 1948 et compte aujourd’hui plus de 10.000 diplômés. Invité : Jin Xue, professeur à la Norwegian University of Life Sciences. Vivre à Rennes; Vivre à Caen; Calendrier universitaire; Les associations; Services aux étudiants; Droits d'inscription; Ressources humaines. This partnership provides for highly interdisciplinary courses. Recrutements; Intervenants extérieurs; Intervenants extérieurs - Thus, 40% of the course unit ‘The maritime project ecosystem’ is taught in Brest (ENSTA Bretagne campus) and 60% in Rennes (Sciences Po campus). A word from the director; About the institute; Charming old buildings ; The library; The team . nichtamtlicher theil pdf consequences of environmental pollution on genetic diversity in pdf supplement localization and broadband follow up of the hochbegabt o wirtschaft vom 06 april 2018 folge 7 entomologisches museum dr ulf eitschberger unter neue bison dans calaméo ferienmagazin 2018 destination bretagne plein sud de pdf kinematics of cretaceous subduction and exhumation in the … This Advanced Master program also offers a gateway to PhD studies. : +33 - 2 99 84 39 18 Fax: +33 - 2 99 84 39 50. Facebook; Twitter; LinkedIn; Mail; Skip navigation. It can be downloaded as separate PDF files. Mobilité internationale : en réponse à la crise sanitaire qui bouleverse la mobilité, les Sciences Po créent un campus virtuel. Sciences Po Rennes is also home to highly specific courses: our Chinese world course, a Master’s in Public Policy co-accredited with the Rennes École Normale Supérieure, and the INSA-Sciences Po Rennes ‘Excellence Track’ (the only such double degree in France), and others. MENU . Sciences Po Rennes fêtera les 30 ans de sa création en 2021, dans un contexte sanitaire compliqué. Share. Conseil d'administration; Autres instances; Organigramme; Vie étudiante & associative . The creation of the Master in Maritime Project Management is indicative of the progress of Blue Growth. A destination des étudiants (14h-17h) et des Anciens (18h-21h). Cookies are required to use this site. This Advanced Master trains students to become project managers who can lead one or several projects from the needs analysis phase to the final assessment phase. Webinaire organisé en partenariat avec le Campus des Transitions de Sciences Po Rennes à Caen. This program is unique in that it is based on a partnership with the ‘Land and Sea’ Master of Sciences Po Rennes. This program runs over a full academic year and comprises: The courses focus on a maritime project’s ecosystem, supervision and management. Les points-clés du projet porté par la co-direction des études, Marta Iglesias Casall et Gil Desmoulin. Students will learn to anticipate and ensure risk and opportunity optimization in a complex and uncertain environment. They will learn to anticipate the impact that changes may have to ensure successful change management. En savoir plus. nichtamtlicher theil pdf consequences of environmental pollution on genetic diversity in pdf supplement localization and broadband follow up of the hochbegabt o wirtschaft vom 06 april 2018 folge 7 entomologisches museum dr ulf eitschberger unter neue bison dans calaméo ferienmagazin 2018 destination bretagne plein sud de pdf kinematics of cretaceous subduction and exhumation in the … Our expertise in initial training, vocational training, and lifelong learning is well-known and recognised.”, Sciences Po Rennes; Campus de Caen; Mot du directeur; Equipe de direction; Cadre institutionnel. This prestigious and institutional education is itself also constantly developing. Your browser doesn't accept cookies. This figure is boosted by the skills of our experienced faculty and course content that is constantly being reviewed in the light of our advanced research in the fields of human and social sciences. Pluridisciplinarité et internationalisation sont les piliers de la formation de … Invité : Abdelilah Laloui, alumni de Sciences Po Paris. All these courses focus on employability: 95% of graduates find a job within three months. Thus, 40% of the course unit ‘The maritime project ecosystem’ is taught in Brest (ENSTA Bretagne campus) and 60% in Rennes (Sciences Po … For this course unit, the project teams are supervised by academics and professionals and regularly receive feedback from their Sciences Po Rennes counterparts. Sciences Po Rennes EN > Institute > A word from the director; Coming soon. This program is accredited by the Conférence des Grandes Ecoles and is certified by Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique. All students may take their exams in English.
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