mention bien équivalent in english
However I would like to find the closest and the best one to use. Lucy, you're right, they may not sit them in one big session, but then neither do A-Level students nowadays. Cet exemple ne correspond pas à l'entrée en orange. Is Fig 3.6 in Elements of Statistical Learning correct. If a square wave has infinite bandwidth, how can we see it on an oscilloscope? It is however awarded on leaving school, and used to gain entrance to university, so I would certainly say it's a school leaving qualification. There you go: five different answers already, and our transatlantic contributors have not started throwing in their 2¢ yet! Peut-être expliqué comme ceci: « Vocational certificate obtained 2 years after the 9th grade », Baccalauréat général: (French secondary school diploma/ high-school degree) Pour de longs textes, utilisez le meilleur traducteur en ligne au monde ! A 12.8 is closer to a 2:1 in my opinion, given that the LSE asks for a 13/20 as their minimum requirement. page mandated a new procedure to prevent incursions. Review native language verification applications submitted by your peers. (UK) – MA (Master of Arts) / MSC (Master of Science) Recherchez des traductions de mots et de phrases dans des dictionnaires bilingues, fiables et exhaustifs et parcourez des milliards de traductions en ligne. (UK) – BTEC National (UK) – BTEC First Diploma (Business and Technology Education Council) Applications for Frontline, Think Ahead, StepUp Summer 2021. La mention Très Bien se traduit par Highest ... l’équivalent en anglais ou américain pour mieux éclairer le lecteur-recruteur. @RMac — I am a native English speaker who speaks French and reads novels in French. C'est un peu l'équivalent du titre sur un CV français. This has nothing to do with grammar but communication of information. rev 2020.11.17.38013, The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, English Language & Usage Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us. Which is the best/hardest MSc Computer Science conversion course? How to remove junction box that is nailed on? it's a title given to mark the distinction given to baccalaureate students, French baccalaureat with X class or grade. Comment ajouter mes sources ? Il possède un diplôme d'Ingénieur en Informatique de l'Ecole, He has a degree in Computer Engineering from the Ecole, 2002-2003 DESS ILTS mention Traduction Spécialisée en, Après avoir réçu son diplôme de L'Université de Texas à Austin en 1985 (B. Mus. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Félicitation du jury / très bien -> 1st bien -> 2.1 assez bien -> 2.2 Maybe you could ask your university to give you a document explaining how they establish the honors. And certainly from country to country. Official University of Leicester 2021 applicant thread, Please explain me A Levels (examination board, subjects, papers). Applied Saxophone), le jeune musicien s'est décidé de tenter ses chances aux examens d'entrée au CNSM de Paris où il est reçu dans la classe de Saxophone à l'Automne de 1985, dans la classe de Saxophone (Daniel Deffayet) ainsi que la classe de, After graduating with honors from the University of Texas at Austin in 1985 (B. Mus. Au Royaume-Uni, le A-level’s est l’équivalent du bac français, qui a lieu à l’âge de 18 ans. English Language & Usage Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for linguists, etymologists, and serious English language enthusiasts. (UK) – GNVQ foundation (NVQ Level 1) It's all continuous assessment... except yes of course, SATs... this could be interesting. MSc Data Science Uni advice - Which one to choose? (UK) – dissertation site design / logo © 2020 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. Requête la plus fréquente dans le dictionnaire français : Proposer comme traduction pour "avec mention Bien". (US) – 12th Grade, DEUG (two-year university degree in…)/ Good luck. Choosing "honors" over "very good mention" is done for style, not for grammatical correctness. Licence dans un domaine scientifique: BSC Degree (Bachelor of Science) in… / Bachelor of Science (B.S.) From GCSE Level? Mention très honorable, qui correspondait à la mention de grande qualité. - any ideas/thoughts appreciated, No, I think predicted grades should still be used to make offers, Yes, I like the idea of applying to uni after I received my grades (PQA), Yes, I like the idea of receiving offers only after I receive my grades (PQO), I think there is a better option than the ones suggested (let us know in the thread! Bien qu’elles soient d’habitude réservées aux études supérieures, je les trouve plus adaptées car le A Level utilise des notations en lettres (de A à E + O, Ordinary). What happens to where umbilical lines are connected when a rocket lifts off? Login or register (free and only takes a few minutes) to participate in this question. Besides you should factor in your university and your class ranking, as French university do not inflate the marks they give. Is it a real legal principle that any ambiguity in a contract is interpreted to the benefit of the side that did not write the contract? The University of Brighton Centre for Academic English Language Development provides a comprehensive range of academic English language preparation courses for students who need to improve their English before starting a UK university degree. (US) – 9 th Grade, CAP: You should not consider the mark but rather the "mention" or honors. Si vous cherchez à travailler à l’étranger, dans le cadre d’un VIE ou autre, ou si votre rêve est de travailler pour Google, entraînez-vous dès à présent à passer un entretien en anglais. Merci pour vos eclaircissements. Tari is a graduate of the University of Ottawa and has a Bachelor. We have a brilliant team of more than 60 Support Team members looking after discussions on The Student Room, helping to make it a fun, safe and useful place to hang out. EEMPHASBIU;de l'OPCVM, ses prospectus et ses éventuelles publications promotionnelles doivent comporter. A word that means rule by the vocal minority? DEUST (two-year university program leading to a degree in biology, computer programming,…)/ Classes are in French even though some "grandes écoles" are now offering classes in English. Applied Saxophone), the young musician decided to take the entrance exams at the Conservatoire Nationale de Musique de Paris where he entered the Saxophone Class Sas one of two foreign candidates in the Fall of 1985, studying saxophone with Daniel Deffayet, solfège, Pour la formation BTS Aéronautique être titulaire d'un BAC PRO Aéronautique ou Technicien, For the BTS - Aeronautics, have a Bac Pro Aeronautics or, Centrale Paris, et possède une Licence d'Economie Appliquée de, Antoine holds a Master of Science from Ecole Centrale Paris and a Licence in, Diplômé en commerce, avec spécialisation en. Master dans un domaine littéraire: MA (Master of Arts) in… Please give the full context in which it occurs: otherwise, suggested translations might not be the most pertinent/exact. Need help! Move 2 matchsticks to make the equation correct, and give 3 ways to do so. (US) – internship memoir, Réaliser une étude sur: to conduct a survey. cf Oxford Superlex. The KudoZ network provides a framework for translators and others to assist each other with translations or explanations of terms and short phrases. (US) – Pas d’équivalent. (UK) – Diploma of Higher Education ... signalez-le seulement à partir de la mention Bien (Honours ). Mention bien, mention très bien. (UK and US) – Phd (Doctor of Philosophy), Cliquez ici pour regarder une vidéo en anglais, Mémoire de fin d’études: En pratique, cette mention représentait « un désaveu du travail présenté » [1]. (US) – Pas d’équivalence de diplôme. Set out the system of French grades with their French names, highest to lowest, so people can see where your “mention très bien” comes (enbolden it in the list). Mention honorable, qui correspondait à la mention donnée pour un travail universitaire satisfaisant aux exigences. ne s'appliquent qu'à des notes universitaires. with Honours, in other forums. (UK) – Youth Training (NVQ – National Vocational Qualification – Level 1, 2) En pratique : Quelles sources sont attendues ? Is it appropriate to send a follow up email re. In the absence of details on whether the mention is bien, assez bien ..., merit stands, as Lucy says, "merit" is inevitably over-specific (but gramatically, "a merit" would work, for me), French Baccalaureate is not another exam from another country - it is the exact translation of "baccaluréat". (US) – memoir, Mémoire de stage: As opposed to International Baccalaureate which is completely different or again International Option of the French Baccalaureate - comp diff. International Applicant to the UK, International student: sending final exams results to uni. (US) - Master’s degree, Master 2 / DEA: one-year degree before postgraduate studies By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie Policy, Privacy Policy, and our Terms of Service. the term distinction is misleading. Licence dans un domaine littéraire: BA Degree (Bachelor of Arts) in… / Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Note that I … It's more that we tend not to use the word "mention" in this way very often in English, so this translation sounds clunky. Reviewing applications can be fun and only takes a few minutes. They don't have a school leaving exam do they? (US) – Pas d’équivalence de diplôme. How can an inn's dining room furniture be designed for different sized species? (US will be different from UK). Ce vote n'était en aucun cas obligatoire et devait être proposé par un des membres du jury. I would probably add that it is useful to indicate what percentage of students achieves a particular grade. You will also have access to many other tools and opportunities designed for those who have language-related jobs Sylvia Sailer attended the Bachelor-Course at the University of Applied Sciences for banking and finance, where she successfully graduated in June 2006. Documents chargeables en « glisser-déposer ». Privacy - Print page. (UK) – GNVQ Advanced Traduisez des textes avec la meilleure technologie de traduction automatique au monde, développée par les créateurs de Linguee. Would a portable watchtower be useful for the premodern military? La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 29 février 2020 à 19:04. Explanation: A noter que "distinction, grande distinction, etc." (Start typing, we will pick a forum for you), Taking a break or withdrawing from your course. Perhaps as a footnote. How can I prevent a computer from turning ON? Determine what system of grades is used by the English-speaking University you intend your resumé for, or if you are applying for a non-university position, what is the grading system in that country. © Copyright The Student Room 2017 all rights reserved. What is the English equivalent of my French Diploma ? Is there an other way to be a French teacher? ... mention bien summa cum laude – mention très bien ... C’est équivalent à 2nd level ou bien 3rd level qualification ? (US) – Associate’s Degree, Classes préparatoires: undergraduate courses to prepare nationwide competitive exams in liberal arts, economics or sciences, Ecoles supérieurs de commerce: business schools, Ici: téléchargez gratuitement des cours d’anglais, Licence: (three-year university degree in history, economics, political science, …) Master dans un domaine scientifique: MSC (Master of Science) in… in…, Master 1/ Maîtrise: Lucy, that's where input from Canada/USA-based colleagues would be/have been valuable. You should not consider the mark but rather the "mention" or honors. Mention très honorable, qui correspondait à la mention de grande qualité. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. cf Masters grades/musical exams in the UK etc. doing A-level e-course. Entry to a Veterinary Nursing Career? Si l'état civil vient en petits caractères en haut à gauche, votre "objective" arrive donc presque en tête. That's not because there's anything grammatically wrong with the phrase "with very good mention". with high honours, in some forums. It only takes a minute to sign up. The Student Room, Get Revising and Marked by Teachers are trading names of The Student Room Group Ltd. Register Number: 04666380 (England and Wales), VAT No. La traduction est fausse ou de mauvaise qualité. In order to translate my resume to English, I found a problem in translating the expression "avec mention très bien" to English, I found some equivalents such as: with honors, using google translation. Dans les universités françaises, il existait deux mentions honorifiques associées au diplôme de doctorat, dont une pouvait être assortie d'une précision : Depuis un arrêté du 25 mai 2016[2], les mentions honorifiques associées au diplôme de docteur sont supprimées du rapport de soutenance, lequel ne mentionne plus que l'admission ou l'ajournement ainsi que les commentaires du jury. What's the English equivalent for the French expression “veille technologique”? Félicitation du jury / très bien -> 1st bien -> 2.1 assez bien -> 2.2 Maybe you could ask your university to give you a document explaining how they establish the honors. No, I'm not debating that they are qualified... just wondering what the equivalents could be with GPAs etc. The regulatory change was published in the AIP as part of the 84-day revision that. Pour trouver du travail en Grande-Bretagne ou aux Etats-Unis, il faut évidemment postuler en rédigeant un CV en anglais. Cela donnerait quelque chose comme : Très Bien : First-class honors (1st) Bien : Upper second-class honors (2.1) Assez Bien : Lower second-class honors (2.2) I also know that “with very good mention” is neither English nor meaningful to anyone in a University context or an employment context. Plus, you would not say "a merit" - Yes ok maybe Martin... coll. with grade A … The phrase "avec mention très bien" translates to "with very good mention". (US) – High-School Diploma/Degree, Baccalauréat technologique ou bac professionnel: Sylvia Sailer attended the Bachelor-Course at the University of Applied Sciences for banking and finance, where she successfully graduated in June 2006. You cannot translate this as such in an absolute manner. You can translate it literally. Depends also from which institution and in which programm...Unis like LSE generally know the diffrence between a 12,8 licence (bachelor) from the University of Dijon and a 12,8 from a magistère at the Sorbonne. En pratique, cette mention représentait « un désaveu du travail présenté ». (UK) – BTEC HND (Higher National Diploma) ), DWP Work Coach vacancies July & Sept 2020, Education Then state what English equivalent you think this roughly represents, if there is an equivalent. merit suggests mention bien or assez bien. Vous pouvez partager vos connaissances en l’améliorant (comment ?) Some UK universities seem to satisfy themselves with rough equivalency with the French system, so 12-14 would be 2:2, 14-16 would be 2:1, etc. For another site operated by for finding translators and getting found, go to, General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters, English language preparation courses at our Language Centre. DUT (two-year university degree in technology) : I write references for students from the UK applying for PhDs in the US and I do something equivalent to explain what our scale means. @AndrewLeach I appended some explanations at the end of the OP question. Plus, you would translate baccalauréat into the English: French baccalaureate. I have done my B.Sc computer science in english on 2004. but I stay in France,I would like equivalice my degree in french. Les formations de niveau bac En dehors du baccalauréat général, vous avez peut être passé un diplôme professionnalisant ou spécifique à … Canada dans le cadre de la révision des 84 jours; la révision comprenait de nombreux remplacements de. Where I am it's something calculated from ranking and marks. This actually means very close to exactly the same thing as the more common translation, which is "with honors". Peut-être expliqué comme ceci: « Vocational certificate obtained 2 years after the 8th grade », BEP: BTS: (two-year technical degree in …) (UK) – BTEC HND (Higher National Diploma) (US) – 12th Grade. Postgrad: what students wish they'd known. L’équivalent du baccalauréat dans un pays anglophone est donc le General Certificate of Education Advanced Level (GCE “A-Level”). Official LSE 2019/20 Postgraduate Applicants Thread, Official CAMBRIDGE 2018 Postgraduate Applicants thread, UCL 2020 Graduate Applicant's Official Thread, Getting into Oxbridge for Postgraduate Study, Official OXFORD 2020 Postgraduate Applicants thread, MSc Computer Science (conversion course) - 2019/2020, Official CAMBRIDGE 2019 Postgraduate Applicants thread, If you do your Master's right after your Bachelor's - you're doing it wrong, MSc Mathematical Modelling and Scientific Computing. Si vous disposez d'ouvrages ou d'articles de référence ou si vous connaissez des sites web de qualité traitant du thème abordé ici, merci de compléter l'article en donnant les références utiles à sa vérifiabilité et en les liant à la section « Notes et références ».
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